Update README.md

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alexandervnuchkov 2017-08-04 13:37:13 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent b3bb7ec642
commit 58f6e1cc8e

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@ -177,14 +177,18 @@ Below is the complete list of parameters that can be set using environment varia
ONLYOFFICE Document Server is a part of ONLYOFFICE Community Edition that comprises also Community Server and Mail Server. To install them, follow these easy steps:
**STEP 1**: Create the 'onlyoffice' network.
**STEP 1**: Create the `onlyoffice` network.
docker network create --driver bridge onlyoffice
Than launch containers on it using the 'docker run --net onlyoffice' option:
Then launch containers on it using the 'docker run --net onlyoffice' option:
**STEP 1**: Install ONLYOFFICE Document Server.
**STEP 2**: Install MySQL.
Follow [these steps](#installing-mysql) to install MySQL server.
**STEP 3**: Install ONLYOFFICE Document Server.
sudo docker run --net onlyoffice -i -t -d --restart=always --name onlyoffice-document-server \
@ -194,34 +198,55 @@ sudo docker run --net onlyoffice -i -t -d --restart=always --name onlyoffice-doc
**STEP 2**: Install ONLYOFFICE Mail Server.
**STEP 4**: Install ONLYOFFICE Mail Server.
For the mail server correct work you need to specify its hostname 'yourdomain.com'.
To learn more, refer to the [ONLYOFFICE Mail Server documentation](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/Docker-MailServer "ONLYOFFICE Mail Server documentation").
sudo docker run --net onlyoffice --privileged -i -t -d --restart=always --name onlyoffice-mail-server \
-p 25:25 -p 143:143 -p 587:587 \
-v /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data:/var/vmail \
-v /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data/certs:/etc/pki/tls/mailserver \
-v /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/logs:/var/log \
-v /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
-h yourdomain.com \
sudo docker run --init --net onlyoffice --privileged -i -t -d --restart=always --name onlyoffice-mail-server -p 25:25 -p 143:143 -p 587:587 \
-e MYSQL_SERVER=onlyoffice-mysql-server \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWD=my-secret-pw \
-e MYSQL_SERVER_DB_NAME=onlyoffice_mailserver \
-v /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data:/var/vmail \
-v /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data/certs:/etc/pki/tls/mailserver \
-v /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/logs:/var/log \
-h yourdomain.com \
**STEP 3**: Install ONLYOFFICE Community Server
The additional parameters for mail server are available [here](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/Docker-CommunityServer/blob/master/docker-compose.yml#L75).
To learn more, refer to the [ONLYOFFICE Mail Server documentation](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/Docker-MailServer "ONLYOFFICE Mail Server documentation").
**STEP 5**: Install ONLYOFFICE Community Server
sudo docker run --net onlyoffice -i -t -d --restart=always --name onlyoffice-community-server \
-p 80:80 -p 5222:5222 -p 443:443 \
-v /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data:/var/www/onlyoffice/Data \
-v /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
-v /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs:/var/log/onlyoffice \
-v /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data:/var/www/onlyoffice/DocumentServerData \
-e DOCUMENT_SERVER_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR=onlyoffice-document-server \
-e MAIL_SERVER_DB_HOST=onlyoffice-mail-server \
sudo docker run --net onlyoffice -i -t -d --restart=always --name onlyoffice-community-server -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 5222:5222 \
-e MYSQL_SERVER_DB_NAME=onlyoffice \
-e MYSQL_SERVER_HOST=onlyoffice-mysql-server \
-e MYSQL_SERVER_USER=onlyoffice_user \
-e MYSQL_SERVER_PASS=onlyoffice_pass \
-e DOCUMENT_SERVER_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR=onlyoffice-document-server \
-e MAIL_SERVER_DB_HOST=onlyoffice-mysql-server \
-e MAIL_SERVER_DB_NAME=onlyoffice_mailserver \
-e MAIL_SERVER_DB_PASS=my-secret-pw \
-v /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data:/var/www/onlyoffice/Data \
-v /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs:/var/log/onlyoffice \
Where `${MAIL_SERVER_IP}` is the IP address for **ONLYOFFICE Mail Server**. You can easily get it using the command:
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' onlyoffice-mail-server
Alternatively, you can use an automatic installation script to install the whole ONLYOFFICE Community Edition at once. For the mail server correct work you need to specify its hostname 'yourdomain.com'.