Redo keybinds, add key group names, fix CarbonNow

This commit is contained in:
Jiří Štefka 2023-03-10 08:00:02 +01:00
parent 62aa4d949c
commit 221bb66d75

View file

@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ local config = {
-- Taglist
["<leader>fT"] = { "<cmd>TlistToggle<cr>", desc = "Tagbar toggle " },
-- Trouble
["<leader>ft"] = { name = "trouble" },
-- ["<leader>ft"] = { name = "Trouble" },
["<leader>ftx"] = { "<cmd>TroubleToggle<cr>", desc = "Toggle Trouble" },
["<leader>ftw"] = { "<cmd>TroubleToggle workspace_diagnostics<cr>", desc = "Workspace diagnostics" },
["<leader>ftd"] = { "<cmd>TroubleToggle document_diagnostics<cr>", desc = "Document diagnostics" },
["<leader>ftq"] = { "<cmd>TroubleToggle quickfix<cr>", desc = "Quickfix" },
["<leader>ftl"] = { "<cmd>TroubleToggle loclist<cr>", desc = "Loc List" },
["<leader>ftR"] = { "<cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_references<cr>", desc = "Lsp references" },
["<leader>ftt"] = { "<cmd>TodoTrouble<cr>", desc = "Todo Trouble" },
["<leader>ftt"] = { "<cmd>TroubleToggle<cr>", desc = "Todo Trouble" },
-- Autosave
["<C-s>"] = { "<cmd>ASToggle<cr>", desc = "Toggle autosave" },
["<leader>fs"] = { "<cmd>ASToggle<cr>", desc = "Toggle autosave" },
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ local config = {
v = {
-- Carbon code sharing
["<leader>c"] = { ":CarbonNow<CR>", desc = "Share code on Carbon", silent = true },
["<leader>s"] = { ":CarbonNow<CR>", desc = "Share code on Carbon", silent = true },
t = {
-- setting a mapping to false will disable it
@ -329,17 +329,19 @@ local config = {
-- end,
-- },
-- By adding to the which-key config and using our helper function you can add more which-key registered bindings
-- {
-- "folke/which-key.nvim",
-- config = function(plugin, opts)
-- require "plugins.configs.which-key"(plugin, opts)
-- -- Add bindings which show up as group name
-- local wk = require "which-key"
-- wk.register({
-- b = { name = "Buffer" },
-- }, { mode = "n", prefix = "<leader>" })
-- end,
-- },
config = function(plugin, opts)
require "plugins.configs.which-key"(plugin, opts)
-- Add bindings which show up as group name
local wk = require "which-key"
m = { name = "Markdown" },
ft = { name = "Trouble" },
b = { name = "Buffers" },
}, { mode = "n", prefix = "<leader>" })
@ -366,7 +368,6 @@ local config = {
opts.experimental = {
ghost_text = false -- this feature conflict with copilot.vim's preview.
-- return the new table to be used
return opts
@ -376,7 +377,10 @@ local config = {
-- Add plugins, the lazy syntax
-- Plugins for other plugins
{ "tyru/open-browser.vim", cmd = { "OPenBrowser", "OpenBrowserSearch", "OpenBrowserSmartSearch" } },
cmd = { "OPenBrowser", "OpenBrowserSearch", "OpenBrowserSmartSearch" }
@ -386,6 +390,24 @@ local config = {
cmd = "CarbonNow",
opts = {
base_url = "",
open_cmd = "xdg-open",
options = {
theme = "night-owl",
window_theme = "none",
font_family = "Hack",
font_size = "18px",
bg = "gray",
line_numbers = true,
line_height = "133%",
drop_shadow = false,
drop_shadow_offset_y = "20px",
drop_shadow_blur = "68px",
width = "680",
watermark = false,
-- Comments