#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Test Create or Update Branch """ import create_or_update_branch as coub from git import Repo import os import pytest import sys import time # Set git environment author_name = "github-actions[bot]" author_email = "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com" committer_name = "GitHub" committer_email = "noreply@github.com" repo = Repo(os.getcwd()) repo.git.update_environment( GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=author_name, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=author_email, GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=committer_name, GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=committer_email, ) REPO_URL = repo.git.config("--get", "remote.origin.url") TRACKED_FILE = "tracked-file.txt" UNTRACKED_FILE = "untracked-file.txt" DEFAULT_BRANCH = "tests/master" NOT_BASE_BRANCH = "tests/branch-that-is-not-the-base" NOT_EXIST_BRANCH = "tests/branch-that-does-not-exist" COMMIT_MESSAGE = "[create-pull-request] automated change" BRANCH = "tests/create-pull-request/patch" BASE = DEFAULT_BRANCH def create_tracked_change(content=None): if content is None: content = str(time.time()) # Create a tracked file change with open(TRACKED_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(content) return content def create_untracked_change(content=None): if content is None: content = str(time.time()) # Create an untracked file change with open(UNTRACKED_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(content) return content def get_tracked_content(): # Read the content of the tracked file with open(TRACKED_FILE, "r") as f: return f.read() def get_untracked_content(): # Read the content of the untracked file with open(UNTRACKED_FILE, "r") as f: return f.read() def create_changes(tracked_content=None, untracked_content=None): tracked_content = create_tracked_change(tracked_content) untracked_content = create_untracked_change(untracked_content) return tracked_content, untracked_content def create_commits(number=2, final_tracked_content=None, final_untracked_content=None): for i in range(number): commit_number = i + 1 if commit_number == number: tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes( final_tracked_content, final_untracked_content ) else: tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() repo.git.add("-A") repo.git.commit(m=f"Commit {commit_number}") return tracked_content, untracked_content @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def before_after_all(): print("Before all tests") # Check there are no local changes that might be # destroyed by running these tests assert not repo.is_dirty(untracked_files=True) # Create a new default branch for the test run repo.remotes.origin.fetch() repo.git.checkout("master") repo.git.checkout("HEAD", b=NOT_BASE_BRANCH) create_tracked_change() repo.git.add("-A") repo.git.commit(m="This commit should not appear in pr branches") repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{NOT_BASE_BRANCH}") # Create a new default branch for the test run repo.git.checkout("master") repo.git.checkout("HEAD", b=DEFAULT_BRANCH) create_tracked_change() repo.git.add("-A") repo.git.commit(m="Add file to be a tracked file for tests") repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") yield print("After all tests") repo.git.checkout("master") # Delete the "not base branch" created for the test run repo.git.branch("--delete", "--force", NOT_BASE_BRANCH) repo.git.push("--delete", "--force", REPO_URL, f"refs/heads/{NOT_BASE_BRANCH}") # Delete the default branch created for the test run repo.git.branch("--delete", "--force", DEFAULT_BRANCH) repo.git.push("--delete", "--force", REPO_URL, f"refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") def before_test(): print("Before test") # Checkout the default branch repo.git.checkout(DEFAULT_BRANCH) def after_test(delete_remote=True): print("After test") # Output git log print(repo.git.log("-5", pretty="oneline")) # Delete the pull request branch if it exists repo.git.checkout(DEFAULT_BRANCH) print(f"Deleting {BRANCH}") for branch in repo.branches: if branch.name == BRANCH: repo.git.branch("--delete", "--force", BRANCH) break if delete_remote: print(f"Deleting origin/{BRANCH}") for ref in repo.remotes.origin.refs: if ref.name == f"origin/{BRANCH}": repo.git.push("--delete", "--force", REPO_URL, f"refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch("--prune") break @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def before_after_tests(): before_test() yield after_test() # Tests if a branch exists and can be fetched def coub_fetch_successful(): assert coub.fetch_successful(repo, REPO_URL, NOT_BASE_BRANCH) assert not coub.fetch_successful(repo, REPO_URL, NOT_EXIST_BRANCH) # Tests no changes resulting in no new branch being created def coub_no_changes_on_create(): result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "none" # Tests create and update with a tracked file change def coub_tracked_changes(): # Create a tracked file change tracked_content = create_tracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create a tracked file change tracked_content = create_tracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content # Tests create and update with an untracked file change def coub_untracked_changes(): # Create an untracked file change untracked_content = create_untracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create an untracked file change untracked_content = create_untracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Tests create and update with identical changes # The pull request branch will not be updated def coub_identical_changes(): # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create identical tracked and untracked file changes create_changes(tracked_content, untracked_content) result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "none" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Tests create and update with commits on the base inbetween def coub_commits_on_base(): # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the base create_commits() repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Tests create and then an update with no changes # This effectively reverts the branch back to match the base and results in no diff def coub_changes_no_diff(): # Save the default branch tracked content default_tracked_content = get_tracked_content() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Running with no update effectively reverts the branch back to match the base result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] == False assert get_tracked_content() == default_tracked_content # Tests create and update with commits on the base inbetween # The changes on base effectively revert the branch back to match the base and results in no diff def coub_commits_on_base_no_diff(): # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the base tracked_content, untracked_content = create_commits() repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() # Create the same tracked and untracked file changes that were made to the base create_changes(tracked_content, untracked_content) result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] == False assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Tests create and update with commits on the working base (during the workflow) def coub_commits_on_working_base(): # Create commits on the working base tracked_content, untracked_content = create_commits() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the working base tracked_content, untracked_content = create_commits() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Tests create and update with changes and commits on the working base (during the workflow) def coub_changes_and_commits_on_working_base(): # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Tests create and update with changes and commits on the working base (during the workflow) # with commits on the base inbetween def coub_changes_and_commits_on_base_and_working_base(): # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the base create_commits() repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, None, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests no changes resulting in no new branch being created def coub_wbnb_no_changes_on_create(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "none" # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with a tracked file change def coub_wbnb_tracked_changes(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create a tracked file change tracked_content = create_tracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create a tracked file change tracked_content = create_tracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with an untracked file change def coub_wbnb_untracked_changes(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create an untracked file change untracked_content = create_untracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create an untracked file change untracked_content = create_untracked_change() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with identical changes # The pull request branch will not be updated def coub_wbnb_identical_changes(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create identical tracked and untracked file changes create_changes(tracked_content, untracked_content) result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "none" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with commits on the base inbetween def coub_wbnb_commits_on_base(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the base create_commits() repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and then an update with no changes # This effectively reverts the branch back to match the base and results in no diff def coub_wbnb_changes_no_diff(): # Save the default branch tracked content default_tracked_content = get_tracked_content() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Running with no update effectively reverts the branch back to match the base result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] == False assert get_tracked_content() == default_tracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with commits on the base inbetween # The changes on base effectively revert the branch back to match the base and results in no diff # This scenario will cause cherrypick to fail due to an empty commit. # The commit is empty because the changes now exist on the base. def coub_wbnb_commits_on_base_no_diff(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the base tracked_content, untracked_content = create_commits() repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create the same tracked and untracked file changes that were made to the base create_changes(tracked_content, untracked_content) result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] == False assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with commits on the working base (during the workflow) def coub_wbnb_commits_on_working_base(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create commits on the working base tracked_content, untracked_content = create_commits() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create commits on the working base tracked_content, untracked_content = create_commits() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with changes and commits on the working base (during the workflow) def coub_wbnb_changes_and_commits_on_working_base(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Working Base is Not Base (WBNB) # Tests create and update with changes and commits on the working base (during the workflow) # with commits on the base inbetween def coub_wbnb_changes_and_commits_on_base_and_working_base(): # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "created" assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # Push pull request branch to remote repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() after_test(delete_remote=False) before_test() # Create commits on the base create_commits() repo.git.push("--force", REPO_URL, f"HEAD:refs/heads/{DEFAULT_BRANCH}") repo.remotes.origin.fetch() # Set the working base to a branch that is not the pull request base repo.git.checkout(NOT_BASE_BRANCH) # Create commits on the working base create_commits() # Create tracked and untracked file changes tracked_content, untracked_content = create_changes() result = coub.create_or_update_branch(repo, REPO_URL, COMMIT_MESSAGE, BASE, BRANCH) assert result["action"] == "updated" assert result["diff"] assert get_tracked_content() == tracked_content assert get_untracked_content() == untracked_content # pytest -v -s ~/git/create-pull-request/src test_coub_fetch_successful = coub_fetch_successful test_coub_no_changes_on_create = coub_no_changes_on_create test_coub_tracked_changes = coub_tracked_changes test_coub_untracked_changes = coub_untracked_changes test_coub_identical_changes = coub_identical_changes test_coub_commits_on_base = coub_commits_on_base test_coub_changes_no_diff = coub_changes_no_diff test_coub_commits_on_base_no_diff = coub_commits_on_base_no_diff test_coub_commits_on_working_base = coub_commits_on_working_base test_coub_changes_and_commits_on_working_base = coub_changes_and_commits_on_working_base test_coub_changes_and_commits_on_base_and_working_base = ( coub_changes_and_commits_on_base_and_working_base ) # WBNB test_coub_wbnb_no_changes_on_create = coub_wbnb_no_changes_on_create test_coub_wbnb_tracked_changes = coub_wbnb_tracked_changes test_coub_wbnb_untracked_changes = coub_wbnb_untracked_changes test_coub_wbnb_identical_changes = coub_wbnb_identical_changes test_coub_wbnb_commits_on_base = coub_wbnb_commits_on_base test_coub_wbnb_changes_no_diff = coub_wbnb_changes_no_diff test_coub_wbnb_commits_on_base_no_diff = coub_wbnb_commits_on_base_no_diff test_coub_wbnb_commits_on_working_base = coub_wbnb_commits_on_working_base test_coub_wbnb_changes_and_commits_on_working_base = ( coub_wbnb_changes_and_commits_on_working_base ) test_coub_wbnb_changes_and_commits_on_base_and_working_base = ( coub_wbnb_changes_and_commits_on_base_and_working_base )