#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Create or Update Pull Request """ from github import Github, GithubException import os def string_to_bool(str): if str is None: return False else: return str.lower() in [ "true", "1", "t", "y", "yes", "on", ] def cs_string_to_list(str): # Split the comma separated string into a list l = [i.strip() for i in str.split(",")] # Remove empty strings return list(filter(None, l)) def create_project_card(github_repo, project_name, project_column_name, pull_request): # Locate the project by name project = None for project_item in github_repo.get_projects("all"): if project_item.name == project_name: project = project_item break if not project: print("::error::Project not found. Unable to create project card.") return # Locate the column by name column = None for column_item in project.get_columns(): if column_item.name == project_column_name: column = column_item break if not column: print("::error::Project column not found. Unable to create project card.") return # Create a project card for the pull request column.create_card(content_id=pull_request.id, content_type="PullRequest") print( "Added pull request #%d to project '%s' under column '%s'" % (pull_request.number, project.name, column.name) ) def create_or_update_pull_request( github_token, github_repository, branch, base, title, body, labels, assignees, milestone, reviewers, team_reviewers, project_name, project_column_name, draft, request_to_parent, ): github_repo = head_repo = Github(github_token).get_repo(github_repository) if string_to_bool(request_to_parent): github_repo = github_repo.parent if github_repo is None: raise ValueError( "The checked out repository is not a fork. Input 'request-to-parent' should be set to false." ) head_branch = f"{head_repo.owner.login}:{branch}" # Create the pull request try: pull_request = github_repo.create_pull( title=title, body=body, base=base, head=head_branch, draft=string_to_bool(draft), ) print( f"Created pull request #{pull_request.number} ({head_branch} => {github_repo.owner.login}:{base})" ) except GithubException as e: if e.status == 422: # A pull request exists for this branch and base # Get the pull request pull_request = github_repo.get_pulls( state="open", base=base, head=head_branch )[0] # Update title and body pull_request.as_issue().edit(title=title, body=body) print( f"Updated pull request #{pull_request.number} ({head_branch} => {github_repo.owner.login}:{base})" ) else: print(str(e)) raise # Set the output variables os.system(f"echo ::set-env name=PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER::{pull_request.number}") os.system(f"echo ::set-output name=pr_number::{pull_request.number}") # Set labels, assignees and milestone if labels is not None: print(f"Applying labels '{labels}'") pull_request.as_issue().edit(labels=cs_string_to_list(labels)) if assignees is not None: print(f"Applying assignees '{assignees}'") pull_request.as_issue().edit(assignees=cs_string_to_list(assignees)) if milestone is not None: print(f"Applying milestone '{milestone}'") milestone = github_repo.get_milestone(int(milestone)) pull_request.as_issue().edit(milestone=milestone) # Set pull request reviewers if reviewers is not None: print(f"Requesting reviewers '{reviewers}'") try: pull_request.create_review_request(reviewers=cs_string_to_list(reviewers)) except GithubException as e: # Likely caused by "Review cannot be requested from pull request author." if e.status == 422: print("Request reviewers failed - {}".format(e.data["message"])) # Set pull request team reviewers if team_reviewers is not None: print(f"Requesting team reviewers '{team_reviewers}'") pull_request.create_review_request( team_reviewers=cs_string_to_list(team_reviewers) ) # Create a project card for the pull request if project_name is not None and project_column_name is not None: try: create_project_card( github_repo, project_name, project_column_name, pull_request ) except GithubException as e: # Likely caused by "Project already has the associated issue." if e.status == 422: print( "Create project card failed - {}".format( e.data["errors"][0]["message"] ) )