import * as core from '@actions/core' import {createOrUpdateBranch} from './create-or-update-branch' import {GitHubHelper} from './github-helper' import {GitCommandManager} from './git-command-manager' import {ConfigOption, GitConfigHelper} from './git-config-helper' import {GitIdentityHelper} from './git-identity-helper' import * as utils from './utils' const EXTRAHEADER_OPTION = 'http.' const EXTRAHEADER_VALUE_REGEX = '^AUTHORIZATION:' const DEFAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE = '[create-pull-request] automated change' const DEFAULT_TITLE = 'Changes by create-pull-request action' const DEFAULT_BODY = 'Automated changes by [create-pull-request]( GitHub action' const DEFAULT_BRANCH = 'create-pull-request/patch' export interface Inputs { token: string path: string commitMessage: string committer: string author: string title: string body: string labels: string[] assignees: string[] reviewers: string[] teamReviewers: string[] milestone: number draft: boolean branch: string requestToParent: boolean base: string branchSuffix: string } export async function createPullRequest(inputs: Inputs): Promise { let gitConfigHelper let extraHeaderOption = new ConfigOption() try { // Get the repository path const repoPath = utils.getRepoPath(inputs.path) // Create a git command manager const git = await GitCommandManager.create(repoPath) // Unset and save the extraheader config option if it exists gitConfigHelper = new GitConfigHelper(git) extraHeaderOption = await gitConfigHelper.getAndUnsetConfigOption( EXTRAHEADER_OPTION, EXTRAHEADER_VALUE_REGEX ) //github_token = inputs.token //path = repoPath // Set defaults inputs.commitMessage = inputs.commitMessage ? inputs.commitMessage : DEFAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE inputs.title = inputs.title ? inputs.title : DEFAULT_TITLE inputs.body = inputs.body ? inputs.body : DEFAULT_BODY inputs.branch = inputs.branch ? inputs.branch : DEFAULT_BRANCH // Determine the GitHub repository from git config // This will be the target repository for the pull request branch const remoteOriginUrlConfig = await gitConfigHelper.getConfigOption( 'remote.origin.url' ) const remote = await utils.getRemoteDetail(remoteOriginUrlConfig.value) `Pull request branch target repository set to ${remote.repository}` ) if (remote.protocol == 'HTTPS') { core.debug('Using HTTPS protocol') // Encode and configure the basic credential for HTTPS access const basicCredential = Buffer.from( `x-access-token:${inputs.token}`, 'utf8' ).toString('base64') core.setSecret(basicCredential) git.setAuthGitOptions([ '-c', `http. basic ${basicCredential}` ]) } // Determine if the checked out ref is a valid base for a pull request // The action needs the checked out HEAD ref to be a branch // This check will fail in the following cases: // - HEAD is detached // - HEAD is a merge commit (pull_request events) // - HEAD is a tag const symbolicRefResult = await git.exec( ['symbolic-ref', 'HEAD', '--short'], true ) if (symbolicRefResult.exitCode != 0) { core.debug(`${symbolicRefResult.stderr}`) throw new Error( 'The checked out ref is not a valid base for a pull request. Unable to continue.' ) } const workingBase = symbolicRefResult.stdout.trim() // Exit if the working base is a PR branch created by this action. // This may occur when using a PAT instead of GITHUB_TOKEN because // a PAT allows workflow actions to trigger further events. if (workingBase.startsWith(inputs.branch)) { throw new Error( `Working base branch '${workingBase}' was created by this action. Unable to continue.` ) } // Apply the branch suffix if set if (inputs.branchSuffix) { switch (inputs.branchSuffix) { case 'short-commit-hash': // Suffix with the short SHA1 hash inputs.branch = `${inputs.branch}-${await git.revParse('HEAD', [ '--short' ])}` break case 'timestamp': // Suffix with the current timestamp inputs.branch = `${inputs.branch}-${utils.secondsSinceEpoch()}` break case 'random': // Suffix with a 7 character random string inputs.branch = `${inputs.branch}-${utils.randomString()}` break default: throw new Error( `Branch suffix '${inputs.branchSuffix}' is not a valid value. Unable to continue.` ) } } // Output head branch `Pull request branch to create or update set to '${inputs.branch}'` ) // Determine the committer and author const gitIdentityHelper = new GitIdentityHelper(git) const identity = await gitIdentityHelper.getIdentity(, inputs.committer ) git.setIdentityGitOptions([ '-c', `${identity.authorName}`, '-c', `${identity.authorEmail}`, '-c', `${identity.committerName}`, '-c', `${identity.committerEmail}` ]) `Configured git committer as '${identity.committerName} <${identity.committerEmail}>'` ) `Configured git author as '${identity.authorName} <${identity.authorEmail}>'` ) // Create or update the pull request branch const result = await createOrUpdateBranch( git, inputs.commitMessage, inputs.base, inputs.branch ) if (['created', 'updated'].includes(result.action)) { // The branch was created or updated`Pushing pull request branch to 'origin/${inputs.branch}'`) await git.push(['--force', 'origin', `HEAD:refs/heads/${inputs.branch}`]) // Set the base. It would have been '' if not specified as an input inputs.base = result.base if (result.hasDiffWithBase) { // Create or update the pull request const githubHelper = new GitHubHelper(inputs.token) await githubHelper.createOrUpdatePullRequest(inputs, remote.repository) // coupr.create_or_update_pull_request( // github_token, // github_repository, // branch, // base, // title, // body, // os.environ.get("CPR_LABELS"), // os.environ.get("CPR_ASSIGNEES"), // os.environ.get("CPR_MILESTONE"), // os.environ.get("CPR_REVIEWERS"), // os.environ.get("CPR_TEAM_REVIEWERS"), // os.environ.get("CPR_PROJECT_NAME"), // os.environ.get("CPR_PROJECT_COLUMN_NAME"), // os.environ.get("CPR_DRAFT"), // os.environ.get("CPR_REQUEST_TO_PARENT"), // ) } else { // If there is no longer a diff with the base delete the branch `Branch '${inputs.branch}' no longer differs from base branch '${inputs.base}'` )`Closing pull request and deleting branch '${inputs.branch}'`) await git.push([ '--delete', '--force', 'origin', `refs/heads/${inputs.branch}` ]) } } } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message) } finally { // Restore the extraheader config option if (extraHeaderOption.value != '') { if ( await gitConfigHelper.addConfigOption( EXTRAHEADER_OPTION, extraHeaderOption.value ) ) core.debug(`Restored config option '${EXTRAHEADER_OPTION}'`) } } }