#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Create or Update Branch """ import common as cmn from git import Repo, GitCommandError import os CHERRYPICK_EMPTY = ( "The previous cherry-pick is now empty, possibly due to conflict resolution." ) def fetch_successful(repo, repo_url, branch): try: repo.git.fetch(repo_url, f"{branch}:refs/remotes/origin/{branch}") except GitCommandError: return False return True def is_ahead(repo, branch_1, branch_2): # Return true if branch_2 is ahead of branch_1 return ( int(repo.git.rev_list("--right-only", "--count", f"{branch_1}...{branch_2}")) > 0 ) def is_behind(repo, branch_1, branch_2): # Return true if branch_2 is behind branch_1 return ( int(repo.git.rev_list("--left-only", "--count", f"{branch_1}...{branch_2}")) > 0 ) def is_even(repo, branch_1, branch_2): # Return true if branch_2 is even with branch_1 return not is_ahead(repo, branch_1, branch_2) and not is_behind( repo, branch_1, branch_2 ) def has_diff(repo, branch_1, branch_2): diff = repo.git.diff(f"{branch_1}..{branch_2}") return len(diff) > 0 def create_or_update_branch(repo, repo_url, commit_message, base, branch): # Set the default return values action = "none" diff = False # Get the working base. This may or may not be the actual base. working_base = repo.git.symbolic_ref("HEAD", "--short") # If the base is not specified it is assumed to be the working base if base is None: base = working_base # Save the working base changes to a temporary branch temp_branch = cmn.get_random_string(length=20) repo.git.checkout("HEAD", b=temp_branch) # Commit any uncomitted changes if repo.is_dirty(untracked_files=True): print(f"Uncommitted changes found. Adding a commit.") repo.git.add("-A") repo.git.commit(m=commit_message) # Perform fetch and reset the working base # Commits made during the workflow will be removed repo.git.fetch("--force", repo_url, f"{working_base}:{working_base}") # If the working base is not the base, rebase the temp branch commits if working_base != base: print( f"Rebasing commits made to branch '{working_base}' on to base branch '{base}'" ) # Checkout the actual base repo.git.fetch("--force", repo_url, f"{base}:{base}") repo.git.checkout(base) # Cherrypick commits from the temporary branch starting from the working base commits = repo.git.rev_list("--reverse", f"{working_base}..{temp_branch}", ".") for commit in commits.splitlines(): try: repo.git.cherry_pick( "--strategy", "recursive", "--strategy-option", "theirs", f"{commit}", ) except GitCommandError as e: if CHERRYPICK_EMPTY not in e.stderr: print("Unexpected error: ", e) raise # Reset the temp branch to the working index repo.git.checkout("-B", temp_branch, "HEAD") # Reset the base repo.git.fetch("--force", repo_url, f"{base}:{base}") # Try to fetch the pull request branch if not fetch_successful(repo, repo_url, branch): # The pull request branch does not exist print(f"Pull request branch '{branch}' does not exist yet") # Create the pull request branch repo.git.checkout("HEAD", b=branch) # Check if the pull request branch is ahead of the base diff = is_ahead(repo, base, branch) if diff: action = "created" print(f"Created branch '{branch}'") else: print( f"Branch '{branch}' is not ahead of base '{base}' and will not be created" ) else: # The pull request branch exists print( f"Pull request branch '{branch}' already exists as remote branch 'origin/{branch}'" ) # Checkout the pull request branch repo.git.checkout(branch) if has_diff(repo, branch, temp_branch): # If the branch differs from the recreated temp version then the branch is reset # For changes on base this action is similar to a rebase of the pull request branch print(f"Resetting '{branch}'") repo.git.checkout("-B", branch, temp_branch) # repo.git.switch("-C", branch, temp_branch) # Check if the pull request branch has been updated # If the branch was reset or updated it will be ahead # It may be behind if a reset now results in no diff with the base if not is_even(repo, f"origin/{branch}", branch): action = "updated" print(f"Updated branch '{branch}'") else: print( f"Branch '{branch}' is even with its remote and will not be updated" ) # Check if the pull request branch is ahead of the base diff = is_ahead(repo, base, branch) # Delete the temporary branch repo.git.branch("--delete", "--force", temp_branch) return {"action": action, "diff": diff, "base": base}