#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail version=4.0.0 aid=221100 game="dayz" workshop="steam://url/CommunityFilePage/" api="https://api.battlemetrics.com/servers" sd_res="--width=1280 --height=800" config_path="$HOME/.config/dztui/" config_file="${config_path}dztuirc" hist_file="${config_path}history" tmp=/tmp/dzgui.tmp fifo=/tmp/table.tmp debug_log="$PWD/DZGUI_DEBUG.log" separator="%%" check_config_msg="Check config values and restart." issues_url="https://github.com/aclist/dztui/issues" url_prefix="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aclist/dztui" stable_url="$url_prefix/dzgui" testing_url="$url_prefix/testing" releases_url="https://github.com/aclist/dztui/releases/download/browser" help_url="https://aclist.github.io/dzgui/dzgui" sponsor_url="https://github.com/sponsors/aclist" freedesktop_path="$HOME/.local/share/applications" sd_install_path="$HOME/.local/share/dzgui" helpers_path="$sd_install_path/helpers" geo_file="$helpers_path/ips.csv" km_helper="$helpers_path/latlon" sums_path="$helpers_path/sums.md5" scmd_file="$helpers_path/scmd.sh" km_helper_url="$releases_url/latlon" db_file="$releases_url/ips.csv.gz" sums_url="$stable_url/helpers/sums.md5" scmd_url="$stable_url/helpers/scmd.sh" vdf2json_url="$stable_url/helpers/vdf2json.py" forum_url="https://github.com/aclist/dztui/discussions" version_file="$config_path/versions" steamsafe_zenity="/usr/bin/zenity" update_last_seen(){ mv $config_file ${config_path}dztuirc.old nr=$(awk '/seen_news=/ {print NR}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old) seen_news="seen_news=\"$sum\"" awk -v "var=$seen_news" -v "nr=$nr" 'NR==nr {$0=var}{print}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old > $config_file source $config_file } check_news(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" echo "# Checking news" [[ $branch == "stable" ]] && news_url="$stable_url/news" [[ $branch == "testing" ]] && news_url="$testing_url/news" local result=$(curl -Ls "$news_url") sum=$(echo -n "$result" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}') logger INFO "News: $result" } print_news(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ $sum == $seen_news || -z $result ]]; then hchar="" news="" else hchar="─" news="$result\n$(awk -v var="$hchar" 'BEGIN{for(c=0;c<90;c++) printf var;}')\n" update_last_seen fi } declare -A deps deps=([awk]="5.1.1" [curl]="7.80.0" [jq]="1.6" [tr]="9.0" [$steamsafe_zenity]="3.42.1" [fold]="9.0") changelog(){ build(){ local mdbranch case "$branch" in "stable") mdbranch="dzgui" ;; *) mdbranch="testing" ;; esac local md="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aclist/dztui/${mdbranch}/CHANGELOG.md" prefix="This window can be scrolled." echo $prefix echo "" curl -Ls "$md" } build | $steamsafe_zenity --text-info $sd_res --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null } depcheck(){ for dep in "${!deps[@]}"; do command -v "$dep" 2>&1>/dev/null || (printf "Requires %s >=%s\n" "$dep" ${deps[$dep]}; exit 1) done } watcher_deps(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ ! $(command -v wmctrl) ]] && [[ ! $(command -v xdotool) ]]; then echo "100" warn "Missing dependency: requires 'wmctrl' or 'xdotool'.\nInstall from your system's package manager." logger ERROR "Missing watcher dependencies" exit 1 fi } init_items(){ #array order determines menu selector; this is destructive #change favorite index affects setup() and add_by_fav() items=( "[Connect]" " Server browser" " My servers" " Quick connect to favorite server" " Connect by ID" " Connect by IP" " Recent servers (last 10)" "[Manage servers]" " Add server by ID" " Add server by IP" " Add favorite server" " Delete server" "[Options]" " List installed mods" " View changelog" " Advanced options" "[Help]" " Help file ⧉" " Report bug ⧉" " Forum ⧉" " Sponsor ⧉" " Hall of fame ⧉" ) } warn(){ $steamsafe_zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="$1" --width=500 --icon-name="dialog-warning" 2>/dev/null } info(){ $steamsafe_zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="$1" --width=500 2>/dev/null } set_api_params(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" response=$(curl -s "$api" -H "Authorization: Bearer "$api_key"" -G -d "sort=-players" \ -d "filter[game]=$game" -d "filter[ids][whitelist]=$list_of_ids") list_response=$response first_entry=1 } write_config(){ cat <<-END #Path to DayZ installation steam_path="$steam_path" #Your unique API key api_key="$api_key" #Favorited server IP:PORT array ip_list=( $(print_ip_list) ) #Favorite server to fast-connect to (limit one) fav_server="$fav_server" #Favorite server label (human readable) fav_label="$fav_label" #Custom player name (optional, required by some servers) name="$name" #Set to 1 to perform dry-run and print launch options debug="$debug" #Toggle stable/testing branch branch="$branch" #Last seen news item seen_news="$seen_news" #Steam API key steam_api="$steam_api" #Auto-install mods auto_install="$auto_install" #Automod staging directory staging_dir="$staging_dir" #Path to default Steam client default_steam_path="$default_steam_path" #Preferred Steam launch command (for Flatpak support) preferred_client="$preferred_client" END } write_desktop_file(){ cat <<-END [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=false Exec=$sd_install_path/dzgui.sh Name=DZGUI Comment=dzgui Icon=$sd_install_path/dzgui Categories=Game END } freedesktop_dirs(){ mkdir -p "$sd_install_path" mkdir -p "$freedesktop_path" curl -s "$version_url" > "$sd_install_path/dzgui.sh" chmod +x "$sd_install_path/dzgui.sh" img_url="$stable_url/images" for i in dzgui grid.png hero.png logo.png; do curl -s "$img_url/$i" > "$sd_install_path/$i" done write_desktop_file > "$freedesktop_path/dzgui.desktop" if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]]; then write_desktop_file > "$HOME/Desktop/dzgui.desktop" fi } find_library_folder(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" logger INFO "User picked directory: '$1'" steam_path="$(python3 "$helpers_path/vdf2json.py" -i "$1/steamapps/libraryfolders.vdf" | jq -r '.libraryfolders[]|select(.apps|has("221100")).path')" logger INFO "Steam path resolved to: $steam_path" } file_picker(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" local path=$($steamsafe_zenity --file-selection --directory 2>/dev/null) logger INFO "File picker path resolve to: $path" if [[ -z "$path" ]]; then logger INFO "Path was empty" return else default_steam_path="$path" find_library_folder "$default_steam_path" fi } create_config(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" check_pyver write_to_config(){ mkdir -p $config_path write_config > $config_file info "Config file created at $config_file." source $config_file } while true; do player_input="$($steamsafe_zenity --forms --add-entry="Player name (required for some servers)" --add-entry="Steam API key" --add-entry="BattleMetrics API key (optional)" --title="DZGUI" --text="DZGUI" $sd_res --separator="@" 2>/dev/null)" #explicitly setting IFS crashes $steamsafe_zenity in loop #and mapfile does not support high ascii delimiters #so split fields with newline readarray -t args < <(echo "$player_input" | sed 's/@/\n/g') name="${args[0]}" steam_api="${args[1]}" api_key="${args[2]}" [[ -z $player_input ]] && exit if [[ -z $steam_api ]]; then warn "Steam API key cannot be empty" continue elif [[ $(test_steam_api) -eq 1 ]]; then warn "Invalid Steam API key" continue fi if [[ -n $api_key ]] && [[ $(test_bm_api $api_key) -eq 1 ]]; then warn "Invalid BM API key" continue fi while true; do logger INFO "steamsafe_zenity is $steamsafe_zenity" if [[ -n $steam_path ]]; then write_to_config return fi find_default_path find_library_folder "$default_steam_path" if [[ -z $steam_path ]]; then logger WARN "Steam path was empty" zenity --question --text="DayZ not found or not installed at the chosen path." --ok-label="Choose path manually" --cancel-label="Exit" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then logger INFO "User selected file picker" file_picker else exit fi else write_to_config return fi done done } err(){ printf "[ERROR] %s\n" "$1" } varcheck(){ if [[ ! -d $steam_path ]] || [[ ! -d $game_dir ]]; then echo 1 fi } run_depcheck(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ -n $(depcheck) ]]; then echo "100" logger ERROR "Missing dependencies, quitting" $steamsafe_zenity --warning --ok-label="Exit" --title="DZGUI" --text="$(depcheck)" exit fi } logger(){ local date="$(date "+%F %T")" local tag="$1" local string="$2" printf "[%s] [%s] %s\n" "$date" "$tag" "$string" >> "$debug_log" } check_pyver(){ pyver=$(python3 --version | awk '{print $2}') if [[ -z $pyver ]] || [[ ${pyver:0:1} -lt 3 ]]; then warn "Requires python >=3.0" && exit fi } run_varcheck(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" source $config_file workshop_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/workshop/content/$aid" game_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/common/DayZ" if [[ $(varcheck) -eq 1 ]]; then $steamsafe_zenity --question --cancel-label="Exit" --text="Malformed config file. This is probably user error.\nStart first-time setup process again?" --width=500 2>/dev/null code=$? if [[ $code -eq 1 ]]; then logger ERROR "Malformed config vars" exit else create_config fi fi } config(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ ! -f $config_file ]]; then logger WARN "Config file missing" logger INFO "steamsafe_zenity is $steamsafe_zenity" $steamsafe_zenity --width=500 --info --text="Config file not found. Click OK to proceed to first-time setup." 2>/dev/null code=$? logger INFO "Return code $code" #TODO: prevent progress if user hits ESC if [[ $code -eq 1 ]]; then exit else create_config fi else source $config_file fi } steam_deck_mods(){ until [[ -z $diff ]]; do next=$(echo -e "$diff" | head -n1) $steamsafe_zenity --question --ok-label="Open" --cancel-label="Cancel" --title="DZGUI" --text="Missing mods. Click [Open] to open mod $next in Steam Workshop and subscribe to it by clicking the green Subscribe button. After the mod is downloaded, return to this menu to continue validation." --width=500 2>/dev/null rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then echo "[DZGUI] Opening ${workshop}$next" $steam_cmd steam://url/CommunityFilePage/$next 2>/dev/null & $steamsafe_zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --ok-label="Next" --text="Click [Next] to continue mod check." --width=500 2>/dev/null else return 1 fi compare done } test_display_mode(){ pgrep -a gamescope | grep -q "generate-drm-mode" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && gamemode=1 } foreground(){ if [[ $(command -v wmctrl) ]]; then wmctrl -a "DZG Watcher" else local window_id=$(xdotool search --name "DZG Watcher") xdotool windowactivate $window_id fi } manual_mod_install(){ local ip="$1" local gameport="$2" [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]] && test_display_mode if [[ $gamemode -eq 1 ]]; then popup 1400 return fi local ex="/tmp/dzc.tmp" [[ -f $ex ]] && rm $ex watcher(){ readarray -t stage_mods <<< "$diff" for((i=0;i<${#stage_mods[@]};i++)); do [[ -f $ex ]] && return 1 local downloads_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/workshop/downloads/$aid" local workshop_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/workshop/content/$aid" $steam_cmd "steam://url/CommunityFilePage/${stage_mods[$i]}" echo "# Opening workshop page for ${stage_mods[$i]}. If you see no progress after subscribing, try unsubscribing and resubscribing again until the download commences." sleep 1s foreground until [[ -d $downloads_dir/${stage_mods[$i]} ]]; do [[ -f $ex ]] && return 1 sleep 0.1s if [[ -d $workshop_dir/${stage_mods[$i]} ]]; then break fi done foreground echo "# Steam is downloading ${stage_mods[$i]} (mod $((i+1)) of ${#stage_mods[@]})" until [[ -d $workshop_dir/${stage_mods[$i]} ]]; do [[ -f $ex ]] && return 1 sleep 0.1s done foreground echo "# ${stage_mods[$i]} moved to mods dir" done echo "100" } watcher > >($steamsafe_zenity --pulsate --progress --auto-close --title="DZG Watcher" --width=500 2>/dev/null; rc=$?; [[ $rc -eq 1 ]] && touch $ex) compare if [[ -z $diff ]]; then passed_mod_check > >($steamsafe_zenity --pulsate --progress --auto-close --width=500 2>/dev/null) launch "$ip" "$gameport" else return 1 fi } encode(){ echo "$1" | md5sum | cut -c -8 } stale_symlinks(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" for l in $(find "$game_dir" -xtype l); do unlink $l done } legacy_symlinks(){ for d in "$game_dir"/*; do if [[ $d =~ @[0-9]+-.+ ]]; then unlink "$d" fi done for d in "$workshop_dir"/*; do local id=$(awk -F"= " '/publishedid/ {print $2}' "$d"/meta.cpp | awk -F\; '{print $1}') local encoded_id=$(echo "$id" | awk '{printf("%c",$1)}' | base64 | sed 's/\//_/g; s/=//g; s/+/]/g') if [[ -h "$game_dir/@$encoded_id" ]]; then unlink "$game_dir/@$encoded_id" fi done } symlinks(){ for d in "$workshop_dir"/*; do id=$(awk -F"= " '/publishedid/ {print $2}' "$d"/meta.cpp | awk -F\; '{print $1}') encoded_id=$(encode "$id") mod=$(awk -F\" '/name/ {print $2}' "$d"/meta.cpp | sed -E 's/[^[:alpha:]0-9]+/_/g; s/^_|_$//g') link="@$encoded_id" if [[ -h "$game_dir/$link" ]]; then : else printf "[DZGUI] Creating symlink for $mod\n" ln -fs "$d" "$game_dir/$link" fi done } passed_mod_check(){ echo "[DZGUI] Passed mod check" echo "# Preparing symlinks" legacy_symlinks symlinks echo "100" } auto_mod_install(){ local ip="$1" local gameport="$2" popup 300 rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 1 ]]; then manual_mod_install "$ip" "$gameport" return fi log="$default_steam_path/logs/content_log.txt" [[ -f "/tmp/dz.status" ]] && rm "/tmp/dz.status" touch "/tmp/dz.status" console_dl "$diff" && $steam_cmd steam://open/downloads && 2>/dev/null 1>&2 foreground until [[ -z $(comm -23 <(printf "%s\n" "${modids[@]}" | sort) <(ls -1 $workshop_dir | sort)) ]]; do local missing=$(comm -23 <(printf "%s\n" "${modids[@]}" | sort) <(ls -1 $workshop_dir | sort) | wc -l) echo "# Downloaded $((${#modids[@]}-missing)) of ${#modids[@]} mods. ESC cancels" done | $steamsafe_zenity --pulsate --progress --title="DZG Watcher" --auto-close --no-cancel --width=500 2>/dev/null compare [[ $force_update -eq 1 ]] && { unset force_update; return; } if [[ -z $diff ]]; then check_timestamps passed_mod_check > >($steamsafe_zenity --pulsate --progress --title="DZGUI" --auto-close --width=500 2>/dev/null) launch "$ip" "$gameport" else manual_mod_install "$ip" "$gameport" fi } get_local_stamps(){ concat(){ for ((i=0;i<$max;i++)); do echo "publishedfileids[$i]=${local_modlist[$i]}&" done | awk '{print}' ORS='' } payload(){ echo -e "itemcount=${max}&$(concat)" } post(){ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ -d "$(payload)" 'https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetPublishedFileDetails/v1/?format=json' } post } update_stamps(){ for((i=0;i<${#local_modlist[@]};i++)); do mod=${local_modlist[$i]} stamp=${stamps[$i]} printf "%s\t%s\n" "$mod" "$stamp" >> $version_file done } check_timestamps(){ readarray -t local_modlist < <(ls -1 $workshop_dir) max=${#local_modlist[@]} [[ $max -eq 0 ]] && return readarray -t stamps < <(get_local_stamps | jq -r '.response.publishedfiledetails[].time_updated') if [[ ! -f $version_file ]]; then update_stamps return else needs_update=() for((i=0;i<${#local_modlist[@]};i++)); do mod=${local_modlist[$i]} stamp=${stamps[$i]} if [[ ! $(awk -v var=$mod '$1 == var' $version_file) ]]; then echo -e "$mod\t$stamp" >> $version_file elif [[ $(awk -v var=$mod -v var2=$stamp '$1 == var && $2 == var2' $version_file) ]]; then : else awk -v var=$mod -v var2=$stamp '$1 == var {$2=var2;print $1"\t"$2; next;};{print}' $version_file > $version_file.new mv $version_file.new $version_file needs_update+=($mod) fi done fi } merge_modlists(){ echo "# Aligning modlists" [[ $force_update -eq 1 ]] && echo "# Checking mod versions" check_timestamps if [[ -z "$diff" ]] && [[ ${#needs_update[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then diff=$(printf "%s\n" "${needs_update[@]}") elif [[ -z "$diff" ]] && [[ ${#needs_update[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then diff= elif [[ -n "$diff" ]] && [[ ${#needs_update[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then : else diff="$(printf "%s\n%s\n" "$diff" "${needs_update[@]}")" fi [[ $force_update -eq 1 ]] && echo "100" } update_history(){ local ip="$1" local gameport="$2" local qport="$3" [[ -n $(grep "$ip:$gameport:$qport" $hist_file) ]] && return if [[ -f $hist_file ]]; then old=$(tail -n9 "$hist_file") old="$old\n" fi echo -e "${old}${ip}:${gameport}:${qport}" > "$hist_file" } connect(){ local ip=$1 local gameport=$2 local qport=$3 logger INFO "Querying $ip:$gameport:$qport" connect_dialog(){ echo "# Querying modlist" local remote remote=$(a2s "$ip" "$qport" rules) if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then echo "100" popup 1200 return 1 fi logger INFO "Server returned modlist: $(<<< $remote tr '\n' ' ')" echo "# Checking for defunct mods" query_defunct "$remote" } (connect_dialog "$ip" "$qport") | pdialog rc=$? [[ $rc -eq 1 ]] && return readarray -t newlist < /tmp/dz.modlist compare [[ $auto_install -eq 2 ]] && merge_modlists > >(pdialog) if [[ -n $diff ]]; then case $auto_install in 1|2) auto_mod_install "$ip" "$gameport" ;; *) manual_mod_install "$ip" "$gameport" ;; esac else passed_mod_check > >(pdialog) update_history "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" launch "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" fi } update_config(){ mv $config_file ${config_file}.old write_config > $config_file source $config_file } prepare_ip_list(){ local res="$1" local ct=$(<<< "$res" jq '[.response.servers[]]|length' 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n $ct ]]; then for((i=0;i<$ct;i++));do readarray -t json_arr < <(<<< $res jq --arg i $i -r '[.response.servers[]][($i|tonumber)]|"\(.name)\n\(.addr)\n\(.players)\n\(.max_players)\n\(.gameport)\n\(.gametype)"') local name=${json_arr[0]} local addr=${json_arr[1]} local ip=$(<<< $addr awk -F: '{print $1}') local qport=$(<<< $addr awk -F: '{print $2}') local current=${json_arr[2]} local max=${json_arr[3]} local players="${current}/${max}" local gameport="${json_arr[4]}" local gametime="${json_arr[5]}" gametime=$(<<< "$gametime" grep -o '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]') echo "$name" echo "${ip}:${gameport}" echo "$players" echo "$gametime" echo "$qport" done fi } ip_table(){ local sel local res="$1" while true; do sel=$(prepare_ip_list "$res" | $steamsafe_zenity --width 1200 --height 800 --text="Multiple maps found at this server. Select map from the list below" --title="DZGUI" --list --column=Name --column=IP --column=Players --column=Gametime --column=Qport --print-column=1,2,5 --separator=%% 2>/dev/null) [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return 1 echo "$sel" return 0 done } fetch_ip_metadata(){ local ip="$1" source $config_file local url="https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerList/v1/?filter=\appid\221100\gameaddr\\$ip&key=$steam_api" curl -Ls "$url" } #TODO: local servers #local_ip(){ #(^127\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.) #} test_steam_api(){ local url="https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerList/v1/?filter=\appid\221100&limit=10&key=$steam_api" local code=$(curl -ILs "$url" | grep -E "^HTTP") [[ $code =~ 403 ]] && echo 1 [[ $code =~ 200 ]] && echo 0 } test_bm_api(){ local api_key="$1" [[ -z $api_key ]] && return 1 local code=$(curl -ILs "$api" -H "Authorization: Bearer "$api_key"" -G \ -d "filter[game]=$game" | grep -E "^HTTP") [[ $code =~ 401 ]] && echo 1 [[ $code =~ 200 ]] && echo 0 } add_steam_api(){ [[ $(test_steam_api) -eq 1 ]] && return 1 mv $config_file ${config_path}dztuirc.old nr=$(awk '/steam_api=/ {print NR}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old) steam_api="steam_api=\"$steam_api\"" awk -v "var=$steam_api" -v "nr=$nr" 'NR==nr {$0=var}{print}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old > ${config_path}dztuirc echo "[DZGUI] Added Steam API key" $steamsafe_zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="Added Steam API key to:\n\n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occur, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" --width=500 2>/dev/null source $config_file } check_steam_api(){ if [[ -z $steam_api ]]; then steam_api=$($steamsafe_zenity --entry --text="Key 'steam_api' not present in config file. Enter Steam API key:" --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null) if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] ; then return elif [[ ${#steam_api} -lt 32 ]] || [[ $(test_steam_api) -eq 1 ]]; then $steamsafe_zenity --warning --title="DZGUI" --text="Check API key and try again." 2>/dev/null return 1 else add_steam_api fi fi } validate_ip(){ echo "$1" | grep -qP '^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)\.?\b){4}$' } connect_by_id(){ local ip ip=$(add_by_id "connect") [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return readarray -t address < <(format_config_address "$ip") local ip="${address[0]}" local gameport="${address[1]}" local qport="${address[2]}" unset address connect "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" } connect_by_ip(){ local sel sel=$(parse_ips) [[ -z $sel ]] && return readarray -t address < <(format_table_results "$sel") local ip="${address[1]}" local gameport="${address[2]}" local qport="${address[3]}" connect "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" } parse_ips(){ source $config_file check_steam_api [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return while true; do local ip ip=$($steamsafe_zenity --entry --text="Enter server IP (omit port)" --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null) [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return 1 [[ $ip =~ ':' ]] && continue if validate_ip "$ip"; then local res res=$(fetch_ip_metadata "$ip") if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]] || [[ $(<<< $res jq '.response|length') -eq 0 ]]; then warn "Failed to retrieve IP metadata. Check IP or API key and try again." return 1 fi local ct=$(<<< "$res" jq '.response.servers|length') if [[ $ct -eq 1 ]]; then local name=$(<<< $res jq -r '.response.servers[].name') local address=$(<<< $res jq -r '.response.servers[].addr') local ip=$(<<< "$address" awk -F: '{print $1}') local qport=$(<<< "$address" awk -F: '{print $2}') local gameport=$(<<< $res jq -r '.response.servers[].gameport') echo "${name}%%${ip}:${gameport}%%${qport}" return 0 fi ip_table "$res" return 0 else warn "Invalid IP" fi done } query_defunct(){ readarray -t modlist <<< "$@" local max=${#modlist[@]} concat(){ for ((i=0;i<$max;i++)); do echo "publishedfileids[$i]=${modlist[$i]}&" done | awk '{print}' ORS='' } payload(){ echo -e "itemcount=${max}&$(concat)" } post(){ curl -s \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"\ -d "$(payload)" 'https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetPublishedFileDetails/v1/?format=json' } local result=$(post | jq -r '.[].publishedfiledetails[] | select(.result==1) | "\(.file_size) \(.publishedfileid)"') <<< "$result" awk '{print $2}' > /tmp/dz.modlist } server_modlist(){ for i in "${newlist[@]}"; do printf "$i\n" done } compare(){ diff=$(comm -23 <(server_modlist | sort -u) <(installed_mods | sort)) } installed_mods(){ ls -1 "$workshop_dir" } concat_mods(){ readarray -t serv <<< "$(server_modlist)" for i in "${serv[@]}"; do id=$(awk -F"= " '/publishedid/ {print $2}' "$workshop_dir"/$i/meta.cpp | awk -F\; '{print $1}') encoded_id=$(encode $id) link="@$encoded_id;" echo -e "$link" done | tr -d '\n' | perl -ple 'chop' } launch(){ local ip="$1" local gameport="$2" local qport="$3" source $config_file mods=$(concat_mods) if [[ ! ${ip_list[@]} =~ "$ip:$gameport:$qport" ]]; then qdialog "Before connecting, add this server to My Servers?" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then ip_list+=("$ip:$gameport:$qport") update_config fi fi if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]]; then launch_options="$steam_cmd -applaunch $aid -connect=$ip:$gameport -nolauncher -nosplash -name=$name -skipintro \"-mod=$mods\"" print_launch_options="$(printf "This is a dry run.\nThese options would have been used to launch the game:\n\n$launch_options\n" | fold -w 60)" $steamsafe_zenity --question --title="DZGUI" --ok-label="Write to file" --cancel-label="Back"\ --text="$print_launch_options" 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then source_script=$(realpath "$0") source_dir=$(dirname "$source_script") echo "$launch_options" > "$source_dir"/options.log echo "[DZGUI] Wrote launch options to $source_dir/options.log" $steamsafe_zenity --info --width=500 --title="DZGUI" --text="Wrote launch options to \n$source_dir/options.log" 2>/dev/null fi else $steamsafe_zenity --width=500 --title="DZGUI" --info --text="Launch conditions satisfied.\nDayZ will now launch after clicking [OK]." 2>/dev/null $steam_cmd -applaunch $aid -connect=$ip:$gameport -nolauncher -nosplash -skipintro -name=$name \"-mod=$mods\" fi } browser(){ if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]]; then steam steam://openurl/"$1" 2>/dev/null elif [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -n "$BROWSER" ]]; then "$BROWSER" "$1" 2>/dev/null else xdg-open "$1" 2>/dev/null fi fi } report_bug(){ browser "$issues_url" } forum(){ browser "$forum_url" } help_file(){ browser "$help_url" } sponsor(){ browser "$sponsor_url" } hof(){ browser "${help_url}#_hall_of_fame" } set_mode(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]]; then mode=debug else mode=normal fi logger INFO "Mode is $mode" } delete_by_ip(){ local to_delete="$1" for (( i=0; i<${#ip_list[@]}; ++i )); do if [[ ${ip_list[$i]} == "$to_delete" ]]; then unset ip_list[$i] fi done if [[ ${#ip_list} -gt 0 ]]; then readarray -t ip_list < <(printf "%s\n" "${ip_list[@]}") fi update_config info "Removed $to_delete from:\n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occur, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" } format_table_results(){ local sel="$1" local name=$(<<< "$sel" awk -F"%%" '{print $1}') local address=$(<<< "$sel" awk -F"%%" '{print $2}') local ip=$(<<< "$address" awk -F":" '{print $1}') local gameport=$(<<< "$address" awk -F":" '{print $2}') local qport=$(<<< "$sel" awk -F"%%" '{print $3}') printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" "$name" "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" } delete_or_connect(){ local sel="$1" local mode="$2" readarray -t address < <(format_table_results "$sel") local server_name="${address[0]}" local ip="${address[1]}" local gameport="${address[2]}" local qport="${address[3]}" unset address case "$mode" in "delete") qdialog "Delete this server?\n$server_name" [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return delete_by_ip "$ip:$gameport:$qport" source $config_file local str="^$ip:$gameport$" local nr=$(awk -v v="$str" '$1 ~ v {print NR}' $tmp) local st=$((nr-1)) local en=$((st+5)) sed -i "${st},${en}d" $tmp # if [[ ${#ip_list[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then # return 1 # fi ;; "connect"|"history") connect "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" return esac } populate(){ local switch="$1" while true; do cols="--column="Server" --column="IP" --column="Players" --column="Gametime" --column="Distance" --column="Qport"" set_header "$switch" rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -z $sel ]]; then warn "No item was selected." else delete_or_connect "$sel" "$switch" fi else return 1 fi done } list_mods(){ if [[ -z $(installed_mods) ]] || [[ -z $(find $workshop_dir -maxdepth 2 -name "*.cpp" | grep .cpp) ]]; then $steamsafe_zenity --info --text="94: No mods currently installed or incorrect path given" $sd_res 2>/dev/null else for d in $(find $game_dir/* -maxdepth 1 -type l); do dir=$(basename $d) awk -v d=$dir -F\" '/name/ {printf "%s\t%s\t", $2,d}' "$gamedir"/$d/meta.cpp printf "%s\n" "$(basename $(readlink -f $game_dir/$dir))" done | sort -k1 fi } connect_to_fav(){ #TODO: test with broken/bogus fav #TODO: test backing out of connection dialogs logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" local fav="$1" [[ -z $fav ]] && { popup 1300; return; } readarray -t address < <(format_config_address "$fav") local ip="${address[0]}" local gameport="${address[1]}" local qport="${address[2]}" unset address connect "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return 1 } set_header(){ local switch="$1" logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" logger INFO "Header mode is $1" print_news [[ $auto_install -eq 2 ]] && install_mode="auto" [[ $auto_install -eq 1 ]] && install_mode="headless" [[ $auto_install -eq 0 ]] && install_mode=manual case "$switch" in "delete") [[ -z $(< $tmp) ]] && return 1 sel=$(< $tmp $steamsafe_zenity $sd_res --list $cols --title="DZGUI" \ --text="DZGUI $version | Mode: $mode | Branch: $branch | Mods: $install_mode | Fav: $fav_label" \ --separator="$separator" --print-column=1,2,6 --ok-label="Delete" 2>/dev/null) ;; "connect"|"history") sel=$(< $tmp $steamsafe_zenity $sd_res --list $cols --title="DZGUI" \ --text="DZGUI $version | Mode: $mode | Branch: $branch | Mods: $install_mode | Fav: $fav_label" \ --separator="$separator" --print-column=1,2,6 --ok-label="Connect" 2>/dev/null) ;; "main_menu") sel=$($steamsafe_zenity $sd_res --list --title="DZGUI" \ --text="${news}DZGUI $version | Mode: $mode | Branch: $branch | Mods: $install_mode | Fav: $fav_label" \ --cancel-label="Exit" --ok-label="Select" --column="Select launch option" --hide-header "${items[@]}" 2>/dev/null) ;; esac } toggle_branch(){ mv $config_file ${config_path}dztuirc.old nr=$(awk '/branch=/ {print NR}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old) if [[ $branch == "stable" ]]; then branch="testing" else branch="stable" fi flip_branch="branch=\"$branch\"" awk -v "var=$flip_branch" -v "nr=$nr" 'NR==nr {$0=var}{print}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old > $config_file printf "[DZGUI] Toggled branch to '$branch'\n" source $config_file } generate_log(){ cat <<-DOC Distro: $(< /etc/os-release grep -w NAME | awk -F\" '{print $2}') Kernel: $(uname -mrs) Version: $version Branch: $branch Mode: $mode Auto: $auto_hr Whitelist: $whitelist Steam path: $steam_path Workshop path: $workshop_dir Game path: $game_dir Mods: $(list_mods) DOC } focus_beta_client(){ steam steam://open/library 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && steam steam://open/console 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && sleep 1s wid(){ wmctrl -ilx |\ awk 'tolower($3) == "steamwebhelper.steam"' |\ awk '$5 ~ /^Steam|Steam Games List/' |\ awk '{print $1}' } until [[ -n $(wid) ]]; do : done wmctrl -ia $(wid) sleep 0.1s wid=$(xdotool getactivewindow) local geo=$(xdotool getwindowgeometry $wid) local pos=$(<<< "$geo" awk 'NR==2 {print $2}' | sed 's/,/ /') local dim=$(<<< "$geo" awk 'NR==3 {print $2}' | sed 's/x/ /') local pos1=$(<<< "$pos" awk '{print $1}') local pos2=$(<<< "$pos" awk '{print $2}') local dim1=$(<<< "$dim" awk '{print $1}') local dim2=$(<<< "$dim" awk '{print $2}') local dim1=$(((dim1/2)+pos1)) local dim2=$(((dim2/2)+pos2)) xdotool mousemove $dim1 $dim2 xdotool click 1 sleep 0.5s xdotool key Tab } console_dl(){ readarray -t modids <<< "$@" focus_beta_client sleep 1.5s for i in "${modids[@]}"; do xdotool type --delay 0 "workshop_download_item $aid $i" sleep 0.5s xdotool key Return sleep 0.5s done } find_default_path(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" discover(){ echo "# Searching for Steam" default_steam_path=$(find / -type d \( -path "/proc" -o -path "*/timeshift" -o -path \ "/tmp" -o -path "/usr" -o -path "/boot" -o -path "/proc" -o -path "/root" \ -o -path "/sys" -o -path "/etc" -o -path "/var" -o -path "/lost+found" \) -prune \ -o -regex ".*/Steam/ubuntu12_32$" -print -quit 2>/dev/null | sed 's@/ubuntu12_32@@') } if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]]; then default_steam_path="$HOME/.local/share/Steam" else local def_path local ub_path local flat_path def_path="$HOME/.local/share/Steam" ub_path="$HOME/.steam/steam" flat_path="$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/data/Steam" if [[ -d "$def_path" ]]; then default_steam_path="$def_path" elif [[ -d "$ub_path" ]]; then default_steam_path="$ub_path" elif [[ -d $flat_path ]]; then default_steam_path="$flat_path" else local res=$(echo -e "Let DZGUI auto-discover Steam path (accurate, slower)\nSelect the Steam path manually (less accurate, faster)" | $steamsafe_zenity --list --column="Choice" --title="DZGUI" --hide-header --text="Steam is not installed in a standard location." $sd_res) case "$res" in *auto*) discover ;; *manual*) zenity --info --text="\nSelect the top-level entry point to the location where Steam (not DayZ)\nis installed and before entering the \"steamapps\" path.\n\nE.g., if Steam is installed at:\n\"/media/mydrive/Steam\"\n\nCorrect:\n- \"/media/mydrive/Steam\"\n\nIncorrect:\n- \"/media/mydrive/Steam/steamapps/common/DayZ\"\n- \"/media/mydrive/\"" --width=500 && file_picker ;; esac fi fi } fold_message(){ echo "$1" | fold -s -w40 } popup(){ pop(){ $steamsafe_zenity --info --text="$1" --title="DZGUI" --width=500 2>/dev/null } case "$1" in 100) pop "This feature requires xdotool and wmctrl.";; 200) pop "This feature is not supported on Gaming Mode.";; 300) pop "$(fold_message 'The Steam console will now open and briefly issue commands to download the workshop files, then return to the download progress page. Ensure that the Steam console has keyboard and mouse focus (keep hands off keyboard) while the commands are being issued. Depending on the number if mods, it may take some time to queue the downloads. If a popup or notification window steals focus, it could obstruct the process.')" ;; 400) pop "$(fold_message 'Automod install enabled. Auto-downloaded mods will not appear in your Steam Workshop subscriptions, but DZGUI will track the version number of downloaded mods internally and trigger an update if necessary.')" ;; 500) pop "$(fold_message 'Automod install disabled. Switched to manual mode.')" ;; 600) pop "No preferred servers set." ;; 700) pop "Toggled to Flatpak Steam." ;; 800) pop "Toggled to native Steam." ;; 900) pop "This feature is not supported on Steam Deck." ;; 1000) pop "No recent history." ;; 1100) pop "No results found." ;; 1200) pop "Timed out. Server may be temporarily offline or not responding to queries." ;; 1300) pop "No favorite server configured." ;; 1400) pop "DZGUI must be run in Desktop Mode on Steam Deck." ;; esac } toggle_console_dl(){ [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]] && { popup 900; return; } [[ ! $(command -v xdotool) ]] && { popup 100; return; } [[ ! $(command -v wmctrl) ]] && { popup 100; return; } mv $config_file ${config_path}dztuirc.old local nr=$(awk '/auto_install=/ {print NR}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old) if [[ $auto_install == "2" ]]; then auto_install="0" popup 500 else auto_install="2" popup 400 fi local flip_state="auto_install=\"$auto_install\"" awk -v "var=$flip_state" -v "nr=$nr" 'NR==nr {$0=var}{print}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old > $config_file source $config_file } force_update_mods(){ if [[ -f $version_file ]]; then awk '{OFS="\t"}{$2="000"}1' $version_file > /tmp/versions mv /tmp/versions $version_file fi } toggle_steam_binary(){ case "$steam_cmd" in steam) steam_cmd="flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam" update_steam_cmd popup 700 ;; flatpak*) steam_cmd="steam" update_steam_cmd popup 800;; esac } options_menu(){ init_options_list(){ source $config_file set_mode case "$auto_install" in 0|1|"") auto_hr="OFF"; ;; 2) auto_hr="ON"; ;; esac [[ -z $name ]] && name="null" debug_list=( "Toggle branch [current: $branch]" "Toggle debug mode [current: $mode]" "Toggle auto mod install [current: $auto_hr]" "Change player name [current: $name]" "Output system info" ) #TODO: tech debt: drop old flags [[ $auto_install -eq 2 ]] || [[ $auto_install -eq 1 ]] && debug_list+=("Force update local mods") case "$steam_cmd" in steam) steam_hr=Steam ;; flatpak*) steam_hr=Flatpak ;; esac [[ $toggle_steam -eq 1 ]] && debug_list+=("Toggle native Steam or Flatpak [$steam_hr]") } while true; do init_options_list debug_sel=$($steamsafe_zenity --list --width=1280 --height=800 --column="Options" --title="DZGUI" --hide-header "${debug_list[@]}" 2>/dev/null) [[ -z $debug_sel ]] && return case "$debug_sel" in Toggle[[:space:]]branch*) enforce_dl=1 toggle_branch && check_version ;; Toggle[[:space:]]debug*) toggle_debug ;; "Output system info") source_script=$(realpath "$0") source_dir=$(dirname "$source_script") output(){ echo "# Generating log" generate_log > "$source_dir/DZGUI.log" } (output) | pdialog [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return info_dialog "Wrote log file to: $source_dir/DZGUI.log" ;; Toggle[[:space:]]auto*) toggle_console_dl ;; "Force update local mods") force_update=1 force_update_mods (merge_modlists) | pdialog auto_mod_install ;; Toggle[[:space:]]native*) toggle_steam_binary ;; Change[[:space:]]player[[:space:]]name*) change_name ;; esac done } info_dialog(){ local title="DZGUI" $steamsafe_zenity --info --width=500 --title="$title" --text="$1" 2>/dev/null } a2s(){ local ip="$1" local qport="$2" local mode="$3" python3 $helpers_path/query.py "$ip" "$qport" "$mode" } format_config_address(){ local address="$1" parse(){ local ind="$1" <<< $address awk -F: "{print \$$ind}" } local ip=$(parse 1) local gameport=$(parse 2) local qport=$(parse 3) printf "%s\n%s\n%s" "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" } query_and_connect(){ source $config_file local switch="$1" local ips="$2" case "$switch" in "history") if [[ -z $2 ]]; then warn "No recent servers in history" return 1 fi readarray -t ip_arr <<< "$ips" ;; "connect"|"delete") if [[ ${#ip_list[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then warn "No servers currently saved" return 1 fi ips="$(printf "%s\n" "${ip_list[@]}")" readarray -t ip_arr <<< "$ips" ;; esac [[ ${#ip_arr[@]} -lt 1 ]] && { popup 600; return; } > $tmp q(){ for (( i = 0; i < ${#ip_arr[@]}; ++i )); do local address="${ip_arr[$i]}" readarray -t address < <(format_config_address "$address") local ip="${address[0]}" local gameport="${address[1]}" local qport="${address[2]}" unset address local info echo "# Querying $ip:$qport" info=$(a2s "$ip" "$qport" info) [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && continue local keywords=$(<<< $info jq -r '.keywords') local vars=("name" "address" "count" "time" "dist" "qport") for j in ${vars[@]}; do local -n var=$j case "$j" in "time") var=$(<<< "$keywords" grep -o '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]') ;; "name") var=$(<<< "$info" jq -r --arg arg $j '.[$arg]') if [[ "${#var}" -gt 50 ]]; then var="$(<<< "$var" awk '{print substr($0,1,50) "..."}')" fi ;; "dist") check_geo_file local_latlon var=$(get_dist $(<<< $address awk -F: '{print $1}')) ;; *) var=$(<<< "$info" jq -r --arg arg $j '.[$arg]') ;; esac printf "%s\n" "$var" >> $tmp done unset $j done } (q) | pdialog [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return populate "$switch" } exclude_fpp(){ response=$(<<< "$response" jq '[.[]|select(.gametype|split(",")|any(. == "no3rd")|not)]') } exclude_tpp(){ response=$(<<< "$response" jq '[.[]|select(.gametype|split(",")|any(. == "no3rd"))]') } exclude_full(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq '[.[]|select(.players!=.max_players)]') } exclude_empty(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq '[.[]|select(.players!=0)]') } filter_maps(){ echo "# Filtering maps" [[ $ret -eq 98 ]] && return local maps=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.[].map//empty|ascii_downcase' | sort -u) local map_ct=$(echo "$maps" | wc -l) local map_sel=$(echo "$maps" | $steamsafe_zenity --list --column="Check" --width=1200 --height=800 2>/dev/null --title="DZGUI" --text="Found $map_ct map types") echo "[DZGUI] Selected '$map_sel'" if [[ -z $map_sel ]]; then ret=97 return fi echo "100" response=$(echo "$response" | jq --arg map "$map_sel" '[.[]|select(.map)//empty|select(.map|ascii_downcase == $map)]') } exclude_daytime(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq '[.[]|select(.gametype|test(",[0][6-9]:|,[1][0-6]:")|not)]') } exclude_nighttime(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq '[.[]|select(.gametype|test(",[1][7-9]:|,[2][0-4]:|[0][0-5]:")|not)]') } keyword_filter(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq --arg search "$search" '[.[]|select(.name|ascii_downcase | contains($search))]') } exclude_lowpop(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq '[.[]|select(.players > 9)]') } exclude_nonascii(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '[.[]|select(.name|test("^([[:ascii:]])*$"))]') } strip_null(){ response=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '[.[]|select(.map//empty)]') } local_latlon(){ if [[ -z $(command -v dig) ]]; then local local_ip=$(curl -Ls "https://ipecho.net/plain") else local local_ip=$(dig -4 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com) fi local url="http://ip-api.com/json/$local_ip" local res=$(curl -Ls "$url" | jq -r '"\(.lat),\(.lon)"') local_lat=$(echo "$res" | awk -F, '{print $1}') local_lon=$(echo "$res" | awk -F, '{print $2}') } disabled(){ if [[ -z ${disabled[@]} ]]; then printf "%s" "-" else for((i=0;i<${#disabled[@]};i++)); do if [[ $i < $((${#disabled[@]}-1)) ]]; then printf "%s, " "${disabled[$i]}" else printf "%s" "${disabled[$i]}" fi done fi } pagination(){ if [[ ${#qport[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then entry=server else entry=servers fi printf "DZGUI %s | " "$version" printf "Mode: %s |" "$mode" printf "Fav: %s " "$fav_label" printf "\nIncluded: %s | " "$filters" printf "Excluded: %s " "$(disabled)" if [[ -n $search ]]; then printf "| Keyword: %s " "$search" fi printf "\nReturned: %s %s of %s | " "${#qport[@]}" "$entry" "$total_servers" printf "Players in-game: %s" "$players_online" } check_geo_file(){ local gzip="$helpers_path/ips.csv.gz" curl -Ls "$sums_url" > "$sums_path" cd "$helpers_path" md5sum -c "$sums_path" 2>/dev/null 1>&2 local res=$? cd $OLDPWD [[ $res -eq 0 ]] && return update(){ mkdir -p "$helpers_path" echo "# Fetching new geolocation DB" curl -Ls "$db_file" > "$gzip" echo "# Extracting coordinates" #force overwrite gunzip -f "$gzip" echo "# Preparing helper file" curl -Ls "$km_helper_url" > "$km_helper" chmod +x $km_helper echo "100" } update > >(pdialog) } choose_filters(){ if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 0 ]]; then sd_res="--width=1920 --height=1080" fi sels=$($steamsafe_zenity --title="DZGUI" --text="Server search" --list --checklist --column "Check" --column "Option" --hide-header TRUE "All maps (untick to select from map list)" TRUE "Daytime" TRUE "Nighttime" TRUE "1PP" TRUE "3PP" False "Empty" False "Full" TRUE "Low population" FALSE "Non-ASCII titles" FALSE "Keyword search" $sd_res 2>/dev/null) if [[ $sels =~ Keyword ]]; then local search while true; do search=$($steamsafe_zenity --entry --text="Search (case insensitive)" --width=500 --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print tolower($0)}') [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return 1 [[ -z $search ]] && warn "Cannot submit an empty keyword" [[ -n $search ]] && break done fi [[ -z $sels ]] && return echo "$sels" | sed 's/|/, /g;s/ (untick to select from map list)//' echo "$search" } get_dist(){ local given_ip="$1" local network="$(<<< "$given_ip" awk -F. '{OFS="."}{print $1"."$2}')" local binary=$(grep -E "^$network\." $geo_file) local three=$(<<< $given_ip awk -F. '{print $3}') local host=$(<<< $given_ip awk -F. '{print $4}') local res=$(<<< "$binary" awk -F[.,] -v three=$three -v host=$host '$3 <=three && $7 >= three{if($3>three || ($3==three && $4 > host) || $7 < three || ($7==three && $8 < host)){next}{print}}' | awk -F, '{print $7,$8}') local remote_lat=$(<<< "$res" awk '{print $1}') local remote_lon=$(<<< "$res" awk '{print $2}') if [[ -z $remote_lat ]]; then local dist="Unknown" echo "$dist" else local dist=$($km_helper "$local_lat" "$local_lon" "$remote_lat" "$remote_lon") LC_NUMERIC=C printf "%05.0f %s" "$dist" "km" fi } prepare_filters(){ local sels="$1" local search="$2" [[ ! "$sels" =~ "Full" ]] && { exclude_full; disabled+=("Full") ; } [[ ! "$sels" =~ "Empty" ]] && { exclude_empty; disabled+=("Empty") ; } [[ ! "$sels" =~ "Daytime" ]] && { exclude_daytime; disabled+=("Daytime") ; } [[ ! "$sels" =~ "Nighttime" ]] && { exclude_nighttime; disabled+=("Nighttime") ; } [[ ! "$sels" =~ "Low population" ]] && { exclude_lowpop; disabled+=("Low-pop") ; } [[ ! "$sels" =~ "Non-ASCII titles" ]] && { exclude_nonascii; disabled+=("Non-ASCII") ; } [[ ! "$sels" =~ "1PP" ]] && { exclude_fpp; disabled+=("FPP") ; } [[ ! "$sels" =~ "3PP" ]] && { exclude_tpp; disabled+=("TPP") ; } [[ -n "$search" ]] && keyword_filter strip_null } munge_servers(){ local sels="$1" local search="$2" write_fifo(){ [[ -p $fifo ]] && rm $fifo mkfifo $fifo local dist for((i=0;i<${#qport[@]};i++)); do dist=$(get_dist ${addr[$i]}) printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%03d\n%03d\n%s\n%s:%s\n%s\n" "${name[$i]}" "${map[$i]}" "${fpp[$i]}" "${gametime[$i]}" \ "${players[$i]}" "${max[$i]}" "$dist" "${addr[$i]}" "${gameport[$i]}" "${qport[$i]}" >> $fifo done } response="$(cat /tmp/dz.servers)" if [[ ! "$sels" =~ "All maps" ]]; then filter_maps > >(pdialog) [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return disabled+=("All maps") fi [[ $ret -eq 97 ]] && return prepare_filters "$sels" "$search" [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return if [[ $(echo "$response" | jq 'length') -eq 0 ]]; then $steamsafe_zenity --error --text="No matching servers" 2>/dev/null return fi #jq bug #1788, raw output (-r) cannot be used with ASCII local name=$(<<< "$response" jq -a '.[].name' | sed 's/\\u[0-9a-z]\{4\}//g;s/^"//;s/"$//') local map=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[].map|if type == "string" then ascii_downcase else "null" end') local gametime=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[]|(if .gametype == null then "null" else .gametype end)|scan("[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$")') local fpp=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[].gametype|split(",")|if any(. == "no3rd") then "1PP" else "3PP" end') local players=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[].players') local max=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[].max_players') local addr=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[].addr|split(":")[0]') local gameport=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[]|(if .gameport == null then "null" else .gameport end)') local qport=$(<<< "$response" jq -r '.[].addr|split(":")[1]') readarray -t qport <<< $qport readarray -t gameport <<< $gameport readarray -t addr <<< $addr readarray -t name <<< $name readarray -t fpp <<< $fpp readarray -t players <<< $players readarray -t map <<< $map readarray -t max <<< $max readarray -t gametime <<< $gametime if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 0 ]]; then sd_res="--width=1920 --height=1080" fi write_fifo & pid=$! local sel=$($steamsafe_zenity --text="$(pagination)" --title="DZGUI" --list --column=Name --column=Map --column=PP --column=Gametime --column=Players --column=Max --column=Distance --column=IP --column=Qport $sd_res --print-column=1,8,9 --separator=%% 2>/dev/null < <(while true; do cat $fifo; done)) if [[ -z $sel ]]; then rm $fifo kill -9 $pid 2>/dev/null return 1 else rm $fifo kill -9 $pid echo $sel fi } debug_servers(){ debug_res=$(curl -Ls "https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerList/v1/?filter=\appid\221100&limit=10&key=$steam_api") local len=$(<<< "$debug_res" jq '[.response.servers[]]|length') if [[ $len -eq 0 ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } server_browser(){ unset ret local filters="$(<<< "$1" awk 'NR==1 {print $0}')" local keywords="$(<<< "$1" awk 'NR==2 {print $0}')" echo "# Checking Steam API" check_steam_api [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return echo "# Checking geolocation file" check_geo_file echo "# Calculating server distances" local_latlon [[ $ret -eq 97 ]] && return local limit=20000 local url="https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerList/v1/?filter=\appid\221100&limit=$limit&key=$steam_api" echo "# Getting server list" curl -Ls "$url" | jq -r '.response.servers' > /tmp/dz.servers total_servers=$(< /tmp/dz.servers jq 'length' | numfmt --grouping) players_online=$(curl -Ls "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers/v1/?appid=$aid" \ | jq '.response.player_count' | numfmt --grouping) debug_servers [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && { popup 1100; return 1; } echo "100" local sel=$(munge_servers "$filters" "$keywords") if [[ -z $sel ]]; then unset filters unset search ret=98 sd_res="--width=1280 --height=800" return 1 fi readarray -t address < <(format_table_results "$sel") local ip="${address[1]}" local gameport="${address[2]}" local qport="${address[3]}" unset address connect "$ip" "$gameport" "$qport" sd_res="--width=1280 --height=800" } mods_disk_size(){ printf "Total size on disk: %s | " $(du -sh "$workshop_dir" | awk '{print $1}') printf "%s mods | " $(ls -1 "$workshop_dir" | wc -l) printf "Location: %s/steamapps/workshop/content/221100" "$steam_path" } main_menu(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" logger INFO "Setting mode" set_mode while true; do set_header "main_menu" rc=$? logger INFO "set_header rc is $rc" if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then case "$sel" in "") warn "No item was selected." ;; " Server browser") local filters=$(choose_filters) [[ -z $filters ]] && continue (server_browser "$filters") | pdialog ;; " My servers") query_and_connect "connect" ;; " Quick connect to favorite server") connect_to_fav "$fav_server" ;; " Connect by ID") connect_by_id ;; " Connect by IP") connect_by_ip ;; " Recent servers (last 10)") query_and_connect "history" "$(cat $hist_file)" ;; " Add server by ID") add_by_id ;; " Add server by IP") add_by_ip ;; " Add favorite server") add_by_fav ;; " Change favorite server") add_by_fav ;; " Delete server") query_and_connect "delete" ;; " List installed mods") list_mods | sed 's/\t/\n/g' | $steamsafe_zenity --list --column="Mod" --column="Symlink" --column="Dir" \ --title="DZGUI" $sd_res --text="$(mods_disk_size)" \ --print-column="" 2>/dev/null ;; " View changelog") changelog ;; " Advanced options") options_menu main_menu return ;; " Help file ⧉") help_file ;; " Report bug ⧉") report_bug ;; " Forum ⧉") forum ;; " Sponsor ⧉") sponsor ;; " Hall of fame ⧉") hof ;; esac else logger INFO "Returning from main menu" return fi done } set_fav(){ local fav="$1" logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" readarray -t address < <(format_config_address "$fav") local ip="${address[0]}" local gameport="${address[1]}" local qport="${address[2]}" unset address local info=$(a2s "$ip" "$qport" info) local name=$(<<< $info jq -r '.name') echo "'$name'" } check_unmerged(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ -f ${config_path}.unmerged ]]; then merge_config rm ${config_path}.unmerged fi } merge_config(){ source $config_file legacy_fav legacy_ids [[ -z $staging_dir ]] && staging_dir="/tmp" update_config tdialog "Wrote new config format to \n${config_file}\nIf errors occur, you can restore the file:\n${config_file}.old" } download_new_version(){ if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]]; then freedesktop_dirs fi source_script=$(realpath "$0") source_dir=$(dirname "$source_script") mv $source_script $source_script.old echo "# Downloading version $upstream" curl -Ls "$version_url" > $source_script rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then echo "[DZGUI] Wrote $upstream to $source_script" chmod +x $source_script touch ${config_path}.unmerged echo "100" $steamsafe_zenity --question --width=500 --title="DZGUI" --text "DZGUI $upstream successfully downloaded.\nTo view the changelog, select Changelog.\nTo use the new version, select Exit and restart." --ok-label="Changelog" --cancel-label="Exit" 2>/dev/null code=$? if [[ $code -eq 0 ]]; then changelog exit elif [[ $code -eq 1 ]]; then exit fi else echo "100" mv $source_script.old $source_script $steamsafe_zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text "[ERROR] 99: Failed to download new version." 2>/dev/null return fi } check_branch(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ $branch == "stable" ]]; then version_url="$stable_url/dzgui.sh" elif [[ $branch == "testing" ]]; then version_url="$testing_url/dzgui.sh" fi logger INFO "Branch is $branch" upstream=$(curl -Ls "$version_url" | awk -F= '/^version=/ {print $2}') logger INFO "Upstream version is $version" } enforce_dl(){ download_new_version > >(pdialog) } prompt_dl(){ $steamsafe_zenity --question --title="DZGUI" --text "Version conflict.\n\nYour branch:\t\t\t$branch\nYour version:\t\t\t$version\nUpstream version:\t\t$upstream\n\nVersion updates introduce important bug fixes and are encouraged.\n\nAttempt to download latest version?" --width=500 --ok-label="Yes" --cancel-label="No" 2>/dev/null rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 1 ]]; then return else echo "100" download_new_version > >(pdialog) fi } check_version(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" [[ -f $config_file ]] && source $config_file [[ -z $branch ]] && branch="stable" check_branch [[ ! -f "$freedesktop_path/dzgui.desktop" ]] && freedesktop_dirs if [[ $version == $upstream ]]; then logger INFO "Local version is same as upstream" check_unmerged else logger INFO "Local and remote version mismatch" if [[ $enforce_dl -eq 1 ]]; then enforce_dl else prompt_dl fi fi } check_architecture(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" cpu=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "AMD Custom APU 0405") if [[ -n "$cpu" ]]; then is_steam_deck=1 logger INFO "Setting architecture to 'Steam Deck'" [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]] && test_display_mode if [[ $gamemode -eq 1 ]]; then popup 1400 && exit 1 fi else is_steam_deck=0 logger INFO "Setting architecture to 'desktop'" fi } print_ip_list(){ [[ ${#ip_list} -eq 0 ]] && return printf "\t\"%s\"\n" "${ip_list[@]}" } migrate_files(){ if [[ ! -f $config_path/dztuirc.oldapi ]]; then cp $config_file $config_path/dztuirc.oldapi rm $hist_file fi } legacy_fav(){ source $config_file [[ -z $fav ]] && return local res=$(map_fav_to_ip "$fav") source $config_file } legacy_ids(){ source $config_file [[ -z $whitelist ]] && return local res=$(map_id_to_ip "$whitelist") source $config_file } map_fav_to_ip(){ local to_add="$1" fav_server=$(curl -s "$api" -H "Authorization: Bearer "$api_key"" \ -G -d "sort=-players" \ -d "filter[game]=$game" \ -d "filter[ids][whitelist]=$to_add" \ | jq -r '.data[].attributes|"\(.ip):\(.port):\(.portQuery)"') update_config fav_label=$(set_fav "$fav_server") } map_id_to_ip(){ local to_add="$1" local mode="$2" local res=$(curl -s "$api" -H "Authorization: Bearer "$api_key"" \ -G -d "sort=-players" \ -d "filter[game]=$game" \ -d "filter[ids][whitelist]=$to_add") local len=$(<<< "$res" jq '.data|length') [[ $len -eq 0 ]] && return 1 local ip=$(<<< "$res" jq -r '.data[].attributes|"\(.ip):\(.port):\(.portQuery)"') if [[ $mode == "connect" ]]; then echo "$ip" return 0 fi for i in $ip; do if [[ ${ip_list[@]} =~ $i ]]; then [[ ! $len -eq 1 ]] && continue warn "This server is already in your list" return 2 fi ip_list+=("$i") update_config done echo $i } add_by_ip(){ local sel=$(parse_ips) [[ -z $sel ]] && return readarray -t address < <(format_table_results "$sel") local ip="${address[1]}" local gameport="${address[2]}" local qport="${address[3]}" unset address if [[ ${ip_list[@]} =~ "$ip:$gameport:$qport" ]]; then warn "This server is already in your favorites" return fi ip_list+=("$ip:$gameport:$qport") update_config info "Added $ip:$gameport:$qport to:\n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occurred, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" } pdialog(){ $steamsafe_zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close --title="DZGUI" --width=500 2>/dev/null } edialog(){ $steamsafe_zenity --entry --text="$1" --width=500 --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null } tdialog(){ $steamsafe_zenity --info --text="$1" --width=500 --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null } qdialog(){ $steamsafe_zenity --question --text="$1" --width=500 --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null } add_by_id(){ local mode="$1" if [[ -z $api_key ]]; then qdialog "Requires Battlemetrics API key. Set one now?" [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return 1 while true; do api_key=$(edialog "Battlemetrics API key") [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return 1 [[ -z $api_key ]] && { warn "Invalid API key"; continue; } if [[ $(test_bm_api $api_key) -eq 1 ]]; then warn "Invalid API key" unset api_key continue fi update_config break done fi while true; do local id id=$(edialog "Enter server ID") [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && return 1 if [[ ! $id =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then warn "Invalid ID" else local ip ip=$(map_id_to_ip "$id" "$mode") case "$?" in 1) warn "Invalid ID" continue ;; 2) continue ;; *) if [[ $mode == "connect" ]]; then echo "$ip" return 0 fi tdialog "Added $ip to:\n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occurred, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" return 0 ;; esac fi done } toggle_debug(){ if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]]; then debug=0 else debug=1 fi update_config } setup(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" [[ -z $fav_server ]] && return items[10]=" Change favorite server" [[ -n $fav_label ]] && return fav_label=$(set_fav $fav_server) update_config } check_map_count(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]] && return local count=1048576 logger INFO "Checking system map count" echo "[DZGUI] Checking system map count" if [[ ! -f /etc/sysctl.d/dayz.conf ]]; then $steamsafe_zenity --question --width=500 --title="DZGUI" --cancel-label="Cancel" --ok-label="OK" --text "sudo password required to check system vm map count." local rc=$? logger INFO "Return code is $rc" if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then local pass logger INFO "Prompting user for sudo escalation" pass=$($steamsafe_zenity --password) local rc logger INFO "Return code is $rc" [[ $rc -eq 1 ]] && exit 1 local ct=$(sudo -S <<< "$pass" sh -c "sysctl -q vm.max_map_count | awk -F'= ' '{print \$2}'") local new_ct [[ $ct -lt $count ]] && ct=$count logger INFO "Updating map count" sudo -S <<< "$pass" sh -c "echo 'vm.max_map_count=$ct' > /etc/sysctl.d/dayz.conf" sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/dayz.conf else logger INFO "Zenity dialog failed or user exit" exit 1 fi fi } change_name(){ while true; do local name=$($steamsafe_zenity --entry --text="Enter desired in-game name" --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null) [[ -z "${name//[[:blank:]]/}" ]] && continue update_config info "Changed name to: '$name'.\nIf errors occur, you can restore the file '${config_path}dztuirc.old'." return done } add_by_fav(){ local sel=$(parse_ips) [[ -z $sel ]] && return readarray -t address < <(format_table_results "$sel") local ip="${address[1]}" local gameport="${address[2]}" local qport="${address[3]}" unset address fav_server="$ip:$gameport:$qport" fav_label=$(set_fav "$fav_server") update_config info "Added $fav_server to:\n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occurred, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" items[10]=" Change favorite server" } lock(){ [[ ! -d $config_path ]] && return if [[ ! -f ${config_path}.lockfile ]]; then touch ${config_path}.lockfile fi pid=$(cat ${config_path}.lockfile) ps -p $pid -o pid= >/dev/null 2>&1 res=$? if [[ $res -eq 0 ]]; then info "DZGUI already running ($pid)" exit elif [[ $pid == $$ ]]; then : else echo $$ > ${config_path}.lockfile fi } fetch_a2s(){ [[ -d $helpers_path/a2s ]] && return local sha=c7590ffa9a6d0c6912e17ceeab15b832a1090640 local author="yepoleb" local repo="python-a2s" local url="https://github.com/$author/$repo/tarball/$sha" local prefix="${author^}-$repo-${sha:0:7}" local file="$prefix.tar.gz" curl -Ls "$url" > "$helpers_path/$file" tar xf "$helpers_path/$file" -C "$helpers_path" "$prefix/a2s" --strip=1 rm "$helpers_path/$file" } fetch_dzq(){ [[ -f $helpers_path/dayzquery.py ]] && return local sha=ccc4f71b48610a1885706c9d92638dbd8ca012a5 local author="yepoleb" local repo="dayzquery" local url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$author/$repo/$sha/$repo.py" curl -Ls "$url" > $helpers_path/a2s/$repo.py } fetch_query(){ [[ -f $helpers_path/query.py ]] && return local author="aclist" local repo="$branch" local url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$author/dztui/$repo/helpers/query.py" local real="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aclist/dztui/testing/helpers/query.py" curl -Ls "$url" > "$helpers_path/query.py" } fetch_helpers(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" mkdir -p "$helpers_path" [[ ! -f "$helpers_path/vdf2json.py" ]] && curl -Ls "$vdf2json_url" > "$helpers_path/vdf2json.py" fetch_a2s fetch_dzq fetch_query } update_steam_cmd(){ preferred_client="$steam_cmd" update_config } steam_deps(){ logger INFO "${FUNCNAME[0]}" local flatpak steam [[ $(command -v flatpak) ]] && flatpak=$(flatpak list | grep valvesoftware.Steam) steam=$(command -v steam) if [[ -z "$steam" ]] && [[ -z "$flatpak" ]]; then warn "Requires Steam or Flatpak Steam" logger ERROR "Steam was missing" exit elif [[ -n "$steam" ]] && [[ -n "$flatpak" ]]; then toggle_steam=1 steam_cmd="steam" [[ -n $preferred_client ]] && steam_cmd="$preferred_client" [[ -z $preferred_client ]] && update_steam_cmd elif [[ -n "$steam" ]]; then steam_cmd="steam" else steam_cmd="flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam" fi logger INFO "steam_cmd set to $steam_cmd" } initial_setup(){ echo "# Initial setup" run_depcheck watcher_deps check_architecture check_version check_map_count fetch_helpers config steam_deps run_varcheck migrate_files stale_symlinks init_items setup check_news echo "100" } main(){ local parent=$(cat /proc/$PPID/comm) [[ -f "$debug_log" ]] && rm "$debug_log" lock local zenv=$(zenity --version 2>/dev/null) [[ -z $zenv ]] && { echo "Failed to find zenity"; logger "Missing zenity"; exit 1; } initial_setup > >(pdialog) main_menu #TODO: tech debt: cruddy handling for steam forking [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && pkill -f dzgui.sh } main