#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail version=5.6.4 #CONSTANTS aid=221100 game="dayz" app_name="dzgui" app_name_upper="DZGUI" workshop="steam://url/CommunityFilePage/" sd_res="--width=1280 --height=800" steamsafe_zenity="/usr/bin/zenity" zenity_flags=("--width=500" "--title=DZGUI") declare -A deps deps=([awk]="5.1.1" [curl]="7.80.0" [jq]="1.6" [tr]="9.0" [$steamsafe_zenity]="3.44.1") #CONFIG config_path="$HOME/.config/dztui" config_file="$config_path/dztuirc" #PATHS state_path="$HOME/.local/state/$app_name" cache_path="$HOME/.cache/$app_name" share_path="$HOME/.local/share/$app_name" script_path="$share_path/dzgui.sh" helpers_path="$share_path/helpers" #LOGS log_path="$state_path/logs" debug_log="$log_path/DZGUI_DEBUG.log" #STATE FILES prefix="dzg" history_file="$state_path/$prefix.history" versions_file="$state_path/$prefix.versions" lock_file="$state_path/$prefix.lock" cols_file="$state_path/$prefix.cols.json" #CACHE FILES coords_file="$cache_path/$prefix.coords" #legacy paths hist_file="$config_path/history" version_file="$config_path/versions" #XDG freedesktop_path="$HOME/.local/share/applications" #HELPERS ui_helper="$helpers_path/ui.py" geo_file="$helpers_path/ips.csv" km_helper="$helpers_path/latlon" sums_path="$helpers_path/sums.md5" func_helper="$helpers_path/funcs" #REMOTE remote_host=gh author="aclist" repo="dztui" url_prefix="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$author/$repo" stable_url="$url_prefix/dzgui" testing_url="$url_prefix/testing" releases_url="https://github.com/$author/$repo/releases/download/browser" km_helper_url="$releases_url/latlon" geo_file_url="$releases_url/ips.csv.gz" set_im_module(){ #TODO: drop pending SteamOS changes pgrep -a gamescope | grep -q "generate-drm-mode" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then GTK_IM_MODULE="" logger INFO "Detected Steam Deck (Game Mode), unsetting GTK_IM_MODULE" else return fi } redact(){ sed 's@\(/home/\)[^/]*@\1REDACTED@g' } logger(){ local date="$(date "+%F %T,%3N")" local tag="$1" local string="$2" local self="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" local caller="${FUNCNAME[1]}" local line="${BASH_LINENO[0]}" printf "%s␞%s␞%s::%s()::%s␞%s\n" "$date" "$tag" "$self" "$caller" "$line" "$string" \ | redact >> "$debug_log" } setup_dirs(){ for dir in "$state_path" "$cache_path" "$share_path" "$helpers_path" "$freedesktop_path" "$config_path" "$log_path"; do if [[ ! -d $dir ]]; then mkdir -p "$dir" fi done } setup_state_files(){ if [[ -f "$debug_log" ]]; then rm "$debug_log" && touch $debug_log logger INFO "Initializing DZGUI version $version" fi if [[ -f "$version_file" ]]; then mv "$version_file" "$versions_file" && logger INFO "Migrating legacy version file" fi # wipe cache files local path="$cache_path" if find "$path" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | read; then for file in $path/*; do rm "$file" done logger INFO "Wiped cache files" fi } print_config_vals(){ local keys=( "branch" "name" "fav_server" "fav_label" "auto_install" "steam_path" "default_steam_path" "preferred_client" ) for i in "${keys[@]}"; do logger INFO "Read key '$i': '${!i}'" done if [[ ${#ip_list[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then logger WARN "No IPs in saved server list" fi } test_gobject(){ python3 -c "import gi" if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then logger CRITICAL "Missing PyGObject" fdialog "Requires PyGObject (python-gobject)" exit 1 fi logger INFO "Found PyGObject in Python env" } update_config(){ # handling for legacy files [[ -z $branch ]] && branch="stable" [[ -f $config_file ]] && mv $config_file ${config_file}.old write_config > $config_file && return 90 || return 1 logger INFO "Updated config file at '$config_file'" } setup_steam_client(){ local flatpak local steam local steam_cmd [[ -n $preferred_client ]] && return 0 [[ $(command -v flatpak) ]] && flatpak=$(flatpak list | grep valvesoftware.Steam) steam=$(command -v steam) if [[ -z "$steam" ]] && [[ -z "$flatpak" ]]; then raise_error_and_quit "Requires Steam or Flatpak Steam" elif [[ -n "$steam" ]] && [[ -n "$flatpak" ]]; then preferred_client="steam" elif [[ -n "$steam" ]]; then preferred_client="steam" else steam_cmd="flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam" fi update_config && logger INFO "Preferred client set to '$steam_cmd'" || return 1 } print_ip_list(){ [[ ${#ip_list[@]} -eq 0 ]] && return 1 printf "\t\"%s\"\n" "${ip_list[@]}" } write_config(){ cat <<-END #Path to DayZ installation steam_path="$steam_path" #Battlemetrics API key api_key="$api_key" #Favorited server IP:PORT array ip_list=( $(print_ip_list) ) #Favorite server to fast-connect to (limit one) fav_server="$fav_server" #Favorite server label (human readable) fav_label="$fav_label" #Custom player name (optional, required by some servers) name="$name" #Set to 1 to perform dry-run and print launch options debug="$debug" #Toggle stable/testing branch branch="$branch" #Start in fullscreen fullscreen="$fullscreen" #Steam API key steam_api="$steam_api" #Auto-install mods auto_install="$auto_install" #Automod staging directory staging_dir="$staging_dir" #Path to default Steam client default_steam_path="$default_steam_path" #Preferred Steam launch command (for Flatpak support) preferred_client="$preferred_client" #DZGUI source path src_path="$src_path" END } depcheck(){ for dep in "${!deps[@]}"; do command -v "$dep" 2>&1>/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then local msg="Requires $dep >= ${deps[$dep]}" raise_error_and_quit "$msg" fi done local jqmsg="jq must be compiled with support for oniguruma" local jqtest jqtest=$(echo '{"test": "foo"}' | jq '.test | test("^foo$")') [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "$jqmsg" logger INFO "Initial dependencies satisfied" } check_pyver(){ local pyver=$(python3 --version | awk '{print $2}') local minor=$(<<< $pyver awk -F. '{print $2}') if [[ -z $pyver ]] || [[ ${pyver:0:1} -lt 3 ]] || [[ $minor -lt 10 ]]; then local msg="Requires Python >=3.10" raise_error_and_quit "$msg" fi logger INFO "Found Python version: $pyver" } watcher_deps(){ if [[ ! $(command -v wmctrl) ]] && [[ ! $(command -v xdotool) ]]; then raise_error_and_quit "Missing dependency: requires 'wmctrl' or 'xdotool'" exit 1 fi logger INFO "Found DZG Watcher dependencies" } format_version_url(){ [[ -z "$branch" ]] && branch="stable" case "$branch" in "stable") version_url="$stable_url/dzgui.sh" ;; "testing") version_url="$testing_url/dzgui.sh" ;; esac echo "$version_url" } write_desktop_file(){ cat <<-END [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=false Exec=$share_path/dzgui.sh Name=$app_name_upper Comment=$app_name Icon=$share_path/$app_name Categories=Game END } freedesktop_dirs(){ local version_url=$(format_version_url) local img_url="$stable_url/images" curl -s "$version_url" > "$script_path" chmod +x "$script_path" for i in dzgui grid.png hero.png logo.png icon.png; do curl -s "$img_url/$i" > "$share_path/$i" done write_desktop_file > "$freedesktop_path/$app_name.desktop" [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 0 ]] && return write_desktop_file > "$HOME/Desktop/$app_name.desktop" } legacy_vars(){ local suffix="fav" local hr_msg="Config file contains values based on old API. Please update and re-run setup." local msg="Config file contains legacy API value: '$suffix'" if [[ -n $fav ]]; then logger WARN "$msg" fdialog "$hr_msg" exit 1 fi if [[ -n $whitelist ]]; then suffix="whitelist" logger WARN "$msg" fdialog "$hr_msg" exit 1 fi } merge_config(){ [[ -z $staging_dir ]] && staging_dir="/tmp" update_config tdialog "Wrote new config format to \n${config_file}\nIf errors occur, you can restore the file:\n${config_file}.old" } check_unmerged(){ if [[ -f ${config_path}.unmerged ]]; then merge_config rm ${config_path}.unmerged fi } check_version(){ local version_url=$(format_version_url) local upstream=$(curl -Ls "$version_url" | awk -F= '/^version=/ {print $2}') local res=$(get_response_code "$version_url") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "Remote resource unavailable: '$version_url'" logger INFO "Local branch: '$branch', local version: $version" if [[ $branch == "stable" ]]; then version_url="$stable_url/dzgui.sh" elif [[ $branch == "testing" ]]; then version_url="$testing_url/dzgui.sh" fi [[ ! -f "$freedesktop_path/$app_name.desktop" ]] && freedesktop_dirs if [[ $version == $upstream ]]; then logger INFO "Local version is same as upstream" check_unmerged else logger WARN "Local and remote version mismatch: $version != $upstream" prompt_dl fi } download_new_version(){ local version_url="$(format_version_url)" logger INFO "Version URL is '$version_url'" logger INFO "$src_path" mv "$src_path" "$src_path.old" curl -L "$version_url" > "$src_path" 2>$debug_log rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then dl_changelog logger INFO "Wrote new version to $src_path" chmod +x "$src_path" touch "${config_path}.unmerged" fdialog "DZGUI $upstream successfully downloaded. To use the new version, select Exit and restart." logger INFO "User exited after version upgrade" exit 0 else mv "$src_path.old" "$src_path" logger WARN "curl failed to fetch new version. Rolling back" fdialog "Failed to download the new version. Restoring old version" return 1 fi } prompt_dl(){ _text(){ cat <<-EOF Version conflict. Your branch: $branch Your version: $version Upstream version: $upstream Version updates introduce important bug fixes and are encouraged. Attempt to download the latest version? EOF } qdialog "$(_text)" "Yes" "No" if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then return 0 else download_new_version fi } dl_changelog(){ local mdbranch local md [[ $branch == "stable" ]] && mdbranch="dzgui" [[ $branch == "testing" ]] && mdbranch="testing" local md="$url_prefix/${mdbranch}/$file" curl -Ls "$md" > "$state_path/CHANGELOG.md" } test_display_mode(){ pgrep -a gamescope | grep -q "generate-drm-mode" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo gm else echo dm fi } check_architecture(){ local cpu=$(< /proc/cpuinfo awk -F": " '/AMD Custom APU [0-9]{4}$/ {print $2; exit}') read -a APU_MODEL <<< "$cpu" if [[ ${APU_MODEL[3]} != "0932" ]] && [[ ${APU_MODEL[3]} != "0405" ]]; then is_steam_deck=0 logger INFO "Setting architecture to 'desktop'" return fi if [[ $(test_display_mode) == "gm" ]]; then is_steam_deck=2 else is_steam_deck=1 fi logger INFO "Setting architecture to 'Steam Deck'" } check_map_count(){ [[ $is_steam_deck -gt 0 ]] && return 0 local map_count_file="/proc/sys/vm/max_map_count" local min_count=1048576 local conf_file="/etc/sysctl.d/dayz.conf" local current_count if [[ ! -f ${map_count_file} ]]; then logger WARN "File '${map_count_file}' doesn't exist!" return 1 fi current_count=$(cat ${map_count_file}) if [[ $current_count -ge $min_count ]]; then logger DEBUG "System map count is set to ${current_count}" return 0 fi qdialog "sudo password required to set system vm map count." "OK" "Cancel" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then local pass logger INFO "Prompting user for sudo escalation" pass=$($steamsafe_zenity --password) if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then logger WARN "User aborted password prompt" return 1 fi logger DEBUG "Old map count is $current_count" [[ $current_count -lt $min_count ]] && current_count=$min_count sudo -S <<< "$pass" sh -c "echo 'vm.max_map_count=${current_count}' > $conf_file" sudo sysctl -p "$conf_file" logger DEBUG "Updated map count to $min_count" else logger WARN "User aborted map count prompt" return 1 fi } qdialog(){ local text="$1" local ok="$2" local cancel="$3" $steamsafe_zenity --question --text="$1" --ok-label="$ok" --cancel-label="$cancel" "${zenity_flags[@]}" } pdialog(){ $steamsafe_zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close "${zenity_flags[@]}" --text="$1" } fdialog(){ $steamsafe_zenity --warning --ok-label="Exit" --text="$1" "${zenity_flags[@]}" } tdialog(){ $steamsafe_zenity --info --text="$1" "${zenity_flags[@]}" } steam_deps(){ local flatpak local steam [[ $(command -v flatpak) ]] && flatpak=$(flatpak list | grep valvesoftware.Steam) steam=$(command -v steam) if [[ -z "$steam" ]] && [[ -z "$flatpak" ]]; then local msg="Found neither Steam nor Flatpak Steam" raise_error_and_quit "$msg" exit 1 elif [[ -n "$steam" ]] && [[ -n "$flatpak" ]]; then [[ -n $preferred_client ]] && return 0 if [[ -z $preferred_client ]]; then preferred_client="steam" fi elif [[ -n "$steam" ]]; then preferred_client="steam" else preferred_client="flatpak" fi update_config logger INFO "Preferred client set to '$preferred_client'" } migrate_files(){ if [[ ! -f $config_path/dztuirc.oldapi ]]; then cp $config_file $config_path/dztuirc.oldapi logger INFO "Migrated old API file" fi [[ ! -f $hist_file ]] && return rm $hist_file logger INFO "Wiped old history file" } stale_symlinks(){ local game_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/common/DayZ" for l in $(find "$game_dir" -xtype l); do logger DEBUG "Updating stale symlink '$l'" unlink "$l" done } local_latlon(){ if [[ -z $(command -v dig) ]]; then local local_ip=$(curl -Ls "https://ipecho.net/plain") else local local_ip=$(dig -4 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com) fi local url="http://ip-api.com/json/$local_ip" local res=$(curl -Ls "$url" | jq -r '"\(.lat)\n\(.lon)"') if [[ -z "$res" ]]; then logger WARN "Failed to get local coordinates" return 1 fi echo "$res" > "$coords_file" } lock(){ [[ ! -f $lock_file ]] && touch $lock_file local pid=$(cat $lock_file) ps -p $pid -o pid= >/dev/null 2>&1 res=$? if [[ $res -eq 0 ]]; then local msg="DZGUI already running ($pid)" raise_error_and_quit "$msg" elif [[ $pid == $$ ]]; then : else echo $$ > $lock_file fi } get_hash(){ local file="$1" md5sum "$1" | awk '{print $1}' } fetch_a2s(){ # this file is currently monolithic [[ -d $helpers_path/a2s ]] && { logger INFO "A2S helper is current"; return 0; } local sha=c7590ffa9a6d0c6912e17ceeab15b832a1090640 local author="yepoleb" local repo="python-a2s" local url="https://github.com/$author/$repo/tarball/$sha" local prefix="${author^}-$repo-${sha:0:7}" local file="$prefix.tar.gz" local res=$(get_response_code "$url") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "Remote resource unavailable: '$file'" curl -Ls "$url" > "$helpers_path/$file" tar xf "$helpers_path/$file" -C "$helpers_path" "$prefix/a2s" --strip=1 rm "$helpers_path/$file" logger INFO "Updated A2S helper to sha '$sha'" } fetch_dzq(){ local sum="9caed1445c45832f4af87736ba3f9637" local file="$helpers_path/a2s/dayzquery.py" if [[ -f $file ]] && [[ $(get_hash "$file") == $sum ]]; then logger INFO "DZQ is current" return 0 fi local sha=3088bbfb147b77bc7b6a9425581b439889ff3f7f local author="yepoleb" local repo="dayzquery" local url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$author/$repo/$sha/dayzquery.py" local res=$(get_response_code "$url") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "Remote resource unavailable: 'dayzquery.py'" curl -Ls "$url" > "$file" logger INFO "Updated DZQ to sha '$sha'" } fetch_icons(){ res=( "16" "24" "32" "48" "64" "96" "128" "256" ) url="$stable_url/images/icons" for i in "${res[@]}"; do size="${i}x${i}" dir="$HOME/.local/share/icons/hicolor/$size/apps" icon="$dir/$app_name.png" [[ -f $icon ]] && return if [[ ! -d $dir ]]; then mkdir -p "$dir" fi logger INFO "Updating $size Freedesktop icon" curl -Ls "${url}/${i}.png" > "$icon" done } fetch_helpers_by_sum(){ [[ -f "$config_file" ]] && source "$config_file" declare -A sums sums=( ["ui.py"]="5a876efacf208d12b5fe761996425412" ["query_v2.py"]="55d339ba02512ac69de288eb3be41067" ["vdf2json.py"]="2f49f6f5d3af919bebaab2e9c220f397" ["funcs"]="3703739856936a5fa11d92a0d2964773" ["lan"]="c62e84ddd1457b71a85ad21da662b9af" ) local author="aclist" local repo="dztui" local realbranch local file local sum local full_path # first time setup if [[ -z $branch ]]; then realbranch="dzgui" else realbranch="$branch" fi if [[ $realbranch == "stable" ]]; then realbranch="dzgui" fi for i in "${!sums[@]}"; do file="$i" sum="${sums[$i]}" full_path="$helpers_path/$file" url="${url_prefix}/$realbranch/helpers/$file" if [[ -f "$full_path" ]] && [[ $(get_hash "$full_path") == $sum ]]; then logger INFO "$file is current" else logger WARN "File '$full_path' checksum != '$sum'" local res=$(get_response_code "$url") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "Remote resource unavailable: '$url'" curl -Ls "$url" > "$full_path" if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then raise_error_and_quit "Failed to fetch the file '$file'. Possible timeout?" fi if [[ $(get_hash $full_path) != $sum ]]; then logger WARN "Downloaded new '$file', but checksum != '$sum'" fi logger INFO "Updated '$full_path' to sum '$sum'" fi [[ $file == "funcs" ]] && chmod +x "$full_path" [[ $file == "lan" ]] && chmod +x "$full_path" done return 0 } fetch_geo_file(){ # for binary releases local geo_sum="9824e9b9a75a4830a2423932cc188b06" local km_sum="b038fdb8f655798207bd28de3a004706" local gzip="$helpers_path/ips.csv.gz" if [[ ! -f $geo_file ]] || [[ $(get_hash $geo_file) != $geo_sum ]]; then local res=$(get_response_code "$geo_file_url") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "Remote resource unavailable: '$geo_file_url'" curl -Ls "$geo_file_url" > "$gzip" #force overwrite gunzip -f "$gzip" fi if [[ ! -f $km_helper ]] || [[ $(get_hash $km_helper) != $km_sum ]]; then local res=$(get_response_code "$km_helper_url") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "Remote resource unavailable: '$km_helper_url'" curl -Ls "$km_helper_url" > "$km_helper" chmod +x "$km_helper" fi } fetch_helpers(){ fetch_a2s fetch_dzq fetch_geo_file fetch_helpers_by_sum [[ ! -f $share_path/icon.png ]] && freedesktop_dirs fetch_icons } raise_error_and_quit(){ local msg="$1" logger CRITICAL "$msg" fdialog "$msg" exit 1 } test_steam_api(){ local key="$1" [[ -z $key ]] && return 1 local url="https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerList/v1/?filter=\appid\221100&limit=10&key=$key" local code=$(curl -ILs "$url" | grep -E "^HTTP") [[ ! $code =~ 200 ]] && echo 1 [[ $code =~ 200 ]] && echo 0 } test_bm_api(){ local bm_api="https://api.battlemetrics.com/servers" local key="$1" [[ -z $key ]] && return 1 local code=$(curl -ILs "$bm_api" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$key"" -G \ -d "filter[game]=$game" \ | grep -E "^HTTP") [[ $code =~ 401 ]] && echo 1 [[ $code =~ 200 ]] && echo 0 } find_default_path(){ _discover(){ readarray -t paths < <(find / -type d \( -path "/proc" -o -path "*/timeshift" -o -path \ "/tmp" -o -path "/usr" -o -path "/boot" -o -path "/proc" -o -path "/root" \ -o -path "/sys" -o -path "/etc" -o -path "/var" -o -path "/lost+found" \) -prune \ -o -regex ".*Steam/config/libraryfolders.vdf$" -print 2>/dev/null | sed 's@/config/libraryfolders.vdf@@') if [[ "${#paths[@]}" -gt 1 ]]; then echo "100" default_steam_path=$(printf "%s\n" "${paths[@]}" | $steamsafe_zenity --list --column="paths" --hide-header --text="Found multiple valid Steam paths. Select your default Steam installation." --title="DZGUI") [[ -z "$default_steam_path" ]] && exit 1 else default_steam_path="${paths[0]}" fi } if [[ $is_steam_deck -gt 0 ]]; then default_steam_path="$HOME/.local/share/Steam" logger INFO "Set default Steam path to $default_steam_path" return 0 fi local def_path local ubuntu_path local flatpak_path local debian_path def_path="$HOME/.local/share/Steam" ubuntu_path="$HOME/.steam/steam" debian_path="$HOME/.steam/debian-installation" flatpak_path="$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/data/Steam" #ubuntu path must precede default path because #both exist on ubuntu systems, but only ubuntu path contains library data for i in "$ubuntu_path" "$def_path" "$debian_path" "$flatpak_path"; do if [[ -d "$i" ]]; then default_steam_path="$i" return 0 fi done local msg="Let DZGUI auto-discover Steam path (accurate, slower)\nSelect the Steam path manually (less accurate, faster)" local res=$(echo -e "$msg" | $steamsafe_zenity --list \ --column="Choice" \ --title="DZGUI" \ --hide-header \ --text="Steam is not installed in a standard location." \ $sd_res) case "$res" in *auto*) _discover > >(pdialog "Scanning paths") ;; *manual*) zenity --info --text="\nSelect the top-level entry point to the location where Steam (not DayZ)\nis installed and before entering the \"steamapps\" path.\n\nE.g., if Steam is installed at:\n\"/media/mydrive/Steam\"\n\nCorrect:\n- \"/media/mydrive/Steam\"\n\nIncorrect:\n- \"/media/mydrive/Steam/steamapps/common/DayZ\"\n- \"/media/mydrive/\"" --width=500 && file_picker ;; esac } file_picker(){ local path=$($steamsafe_zenity --file-selection --directory) logger INFO "File picker path resolved to: $path" if [[ -z "$path" ]]; then logger WARN "Steam path selection was empty" return else default_steam_path="$path" fi } find_library_folder(){ local search_path="$1" steam_path="$(python3 "$helpers_path/vdf2json.py" -i "$1/steamapps/libraryfolders.vdf" \ | jq -r '.libraryfolders[]|select(.apps|has("221100")).path')" if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]] || [[ -z $steam_path ]]; then logger WARN "Failed to parse Steam path using '$search_path'" return 1 fi logger INFO "Steam path resolved to: $steam_path" } create_config(){ #if old path is malformed and this function is forcibly called, #wipe paths from memory before entering the loop to force path rediscovery unset default_steam_path unset steam_path while true; do local player_input="$($steamsafe_zenity \ --forms \ --add-entry="Player name (required for some servers)" \ --add-entry="Steam API key" \ --add-entry="BattleMetrics API key (optional)" \ --title="DZGUI" \ --text="DZGUI" $sd_res \ --separator="@")" #explicitly setting IFS crashes $steamsafe_zenity in loop #and mapfile does not support high ascii delimiters, so split fields with newline readarray -t args < <(<<< "$player_input" sed 's/@/\n/g') name="${args[0]}" steam_api="${args[1]}" api_key="${args[2]}" if [[ -z $player_input ]]; then logger WARN "User aborted setup process" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $steam_api ]]; then tdialog "Steam API key canot be empty" continue elif [[ "${#steam_api}" -lt 32 ]] || [[ $(test_steam_api "$steam_api") -eq 1 ]]; then tdialog "Invalid Steam API key" continue fi if [[ -n $api_key ]] && [[ $(test_bm_api $api_key) -eq 1 ]]; then tdialog "Invalid BM API key" continue fi while true; do if [[ -n $steam_path ]]; then write_config [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && logger INFO "Successfully created config file" return 0 fi find_default_path find_library_folder "$default_steam_path" if [[ -z $steam_path ]]; then logger raise_error "Steam path was empty" zenity --question --text="DayZ not found or not installed at the Steam library given. NOTE: if you recently installed DayZ or moved its location, you MUST restart Steam first for these changes to synch." --ok-label="Choose path manually" --cancel-label="Exit" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then logger INFO "User selected file picker" file_picker find_library_folder "$default_steam_path" else fdialog "Failed to find Steam at the provided location" exit 1 fi else branch="stable" update_config logger INFO "Wrote config to '$config_file'" return 0 fi done done } varcheck(){ local msg="Config file '$config_file' missing. Start first-time setup now?" local msg2="The Steam paths set in your config file appear to be invalid. Restart first-time setup now?" if [[ ! -f $config_file ]]; then qdialog "$msg" "Yes" "Exit" if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then logger CRITICAL "Config file missing, but user aborted setup" exit 1 fi create_config fi source "$config_file" local workshop_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/workshop/content/$aid" local game_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/common/DayZ" if [[ ! -d $steam_path ]] || [[ ! -d $game_dir ]] || [[ ! $(find $game_dir -type f) ]]; then logger WARN "DayZ path resolved to '$game_dir'" logger WARN "Workshop path resolved to '$workshop_dir'" qdialog "$msg2" "Yes" "Exit" if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then logger CRITICAL "Malformed Steam path, but user aborted setup" exit 1 fi create_config return 0 fi if [[ $src_path != $(realpath "$0") ]]; then src_path=$(realpath "$0") update_config fi } is_dzg_downloading(){ if [[ -d $steam_path ]] && [[ -d $steam_path/downloading/$aid ]]; then logger WARN "DayZ may be scheduling updates" return 0 fi } is_steam_running(){ local res=$(ps aux | grep "steamwebhelper" | grep -v grep) if [[ -z $res ]]; then logger WARN "Steam may not be running" tdialog "Is Steam running? For best results, make sure Steam is open in the background." return 0 fi } get_response_code(){ local url="$1" curl -Ls -I -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$url" } test_connection(){ source "$config_file" declare -A hr local res1 local res2 local str="No connection could be established to the remote server" hr=( ["steampowered.com"]="https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerList/v1/?key=$steam_api" ["github.com"]="https://github.com/$author" ["codeberg.org"]="https://codeberg.org/$author" ) # steam API is mandatory, except on initial setup if [[ -n $steam_api ]]; then res=$(get_response_code "${hr["steampowered.com"]}") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "$str ("steampowered.com")" fi res=$(get_response_code "${hr["github.com"]}") if [[ $res -ne 200 ]]; then logger WARN "Remote host '${hr["github.com"]}' unreachable', trying fallback" remote_host=cb logger INFO "Set remote host to '${hr["codeberg.org"]}'" res=$(get_response_code "${hr["codeberg.org"]}") [[ $res -ne 200 ]] && raise_error_and_quit "$str (${hr["codeberg.org"]})" fi if [[ $remote_host == "cb" ]]; then url_prefix="https://codeberg.org/$author/$repo/raw/branch" releases_url="https://codeberg.org/$author/$repo/releases/download/browser" stable_url="$url_prefix/dzgui" testing_url="$url_prefix/testing" km_helper_url="$releases_url/latlon" geo_file_url="$releases_url/ips.csv.gz" fi } legacy_cols(){ [[ ! -f $cols_file ]] && return local has=$(< "$cols_file" jq '.cols|has("Queue")') [[ $has == "true" ]] && return < $cols_file jq '.cols += { "Queue": 120 }' > $cols_file.new && mv $cols_file.new $cols_file } stale_mod_signatures(){ local workshop_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/workshop/content/$aid" if [[ -d $workshop_dir ]]; then readarray -t old_mod_ids < <(awk -F, '{print $1}' $versions_file) for ((i=0; i<${#old_mod_ids[@]}; ++i)); do if [[ ! -d $workshop_dir/${old_mod_ids[$i]} ]]; then "$func_helper" "align_local" "${old_mod_ids[$i]}" fi done fi } create_new_links(){ "$func_helper" "update_symlinks" } initial_setup(){ setup_dirs setup_state_files depcheck check_pyver test_gobject watcher_deps check_architecture test_connection fetch_helpers > >(pdialog "Checking helper files") varcheck source "$config_file" lock legacy_vars legacy_cols check_version check_map_count steam_deps migrate_files stale_symlinks stale_mod_signatures create_new_links local_latlon is_steam_running is_dzg_downloading print_config_vals } uninstall(){ _full(){ for i in "$config_path" "$state_path" "$cache_path" "$share_path"; do echo "Deleting the path '$i'" rm -rf "$i" done } _partial(){ for i in "$cache_path" "$share_path"; do echo "Deleting the path '$i'" rm -rf "$i" done } local choice=$($steamsafe_zenity \ --list \ --radiolist \ --column="a" \ --column="b" \ --hide-header \ --text="Choose an uninstall routine below." \ TRUE "Keep user config files" \ FALSE "Delete all DZGUI files" \ --title="DZGUI" ) case "$choice" in "Keep user config files") _partial ;; "Delete all DZGUI files") _full ;; "") echo "User aborted uninstall process" exit 1 ;; esac local self="$(realpath "$0")" echo "Deleting '$self'" rm "$self" echo "Uninstall routine complete" } main(){ local zenv=$(zenity --version 2>/dev/null) [[ -z $zenv ]] && { echo "Requires zenity >= ${deps[$steamsafe_zenity]}"; exit 1; } if [[ $1 == "--uninstall" ]] || [[ $1 == "-u" ]]; then uninstall && exit 0 fi set_im_module printf "Initializing setup...\n" initial_setup printf "All OK. Kicking off UI...\n" python3 "$ui_helper" "--init-ui" "$version" "$is_steam_deck" } main "$@" #TODO: tech debt: cruddy handling for steam forking [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && pkill -f dzgui.sh