#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail version=2.0.2 aid=221100 game="dayz" workshop="https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=" api="https://api.battlemetrics.com/servers" sd_res="--width=1280 --height=800" config_path="$HOME/.config/dztui/" config_file="${config_path}dztuirc" tmp=/tmp/dztui.tmp separator="%%" git_url="https://github.com/aclist/dztui/issues" version_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aclist/dztui/dzgui/dzgui.sh" help_url="https://github.com/aclist/dztui/blob/dzgui/README.md" upstream=$(curl -Ls "$version_url" | awk -F= '/^version=/ {print $2}') check_config_msg="Check config values and restart." declare -A deps deps=([awk]="5.1.1" [curl]="7.80.0" [jq]="1.6" [tr]="9.0" [zenity]="3.42.1") changelog(){ md="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aclist/dztui/dzgui/changelog.md" prefix="This window can be scrolled." echo $prefix echo "" curl -Ls "$md" | awk '/Unreleased/ {flag=1}flag' } depcheck(){ for dep in "${!deps[@]}"; do command -v $dep 2>&1>/dev/null || (printf "[ERROR] Requires %s >= %s\nCheck your system package manager." $dep ${deps[$dep]}; exit 1) done } items=( "Launch server list" "Quick connect to favorite server" "Add server by ID" "Add favorite server" "List installed mods" #"Toggle debug mode" "Report bug (opens in browser)" "Help file (opens in browser)" "View changelog" ) #exit_and_cleanup(){ #rm $tmp #rm $link_file #} warn_and_exit(){ zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="$1" --icon-name="dialog-warning" 2>/dev/null printf "[DZGUI] %s\n" "$check_config_msg" exit } warn(){ zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="$1" --icon-name="dialog-warning" 2>/dev/null } info(){ zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="$1" 2>/dev/null } query_api(){ #TODO: prevent drawing list if null values returned without API error if [[ $one_shot_launch -eq 1 ]]; then list_of_ids="$fav" else if [[ -n $fav ]]; then list_of_ids="$whitelist,$fav" else list_of_ids="$whitelist" fi fi response=$(curl -s "$api" -H "Authorization: Bearer "$api_key"" -G -d "sort=-players" \ -d "filter[game]=$game" -d "filter[ids][whitelist]=$list_of_ids") if [[ "$(jq -r 'keys[]' <<< "$response")" == "errors" ]]; then code=$(jq -r '.errors[] .status' <<< $response) #TODO: fix granular api codes if [[ $code -eq 401 ]]; then echo "$code" >> outfile warn_and_exit "Error $code: malformed API key" elif [[ $code -eq 500 ]]; then warn_and_exit "Error $code: malformed server list" fi fi if [[ -z $(echo $response | jq '.data[]') ]]; then warn_and_exit "API returned empty response. Check config file." fi } write_config(){ cat <<-END #Path to DayZ installation steam_path="$steam_path" #Your unique API key api_key="$api_key" #Comma-separated list of server IDs whitelist="$whitelist" #Favorite server to fast-connect to (limit one) fav="$fav" #Custom player name (optional, required by some servers) name="$name" #Set to 1 to perform dry-run and print launch options debug="0" END } guess_path(){ if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]]; then steam_path="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam" else echo "# Checking for default DayZ path" path=$(find $HOME -path "*.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/DayZ" | wc -c) if [[ ! $path -eq 0 ]]; then steam_path="$HOME/.local/share/Steam" else echo "# Searching for alternate DayZ path" path=$(find / -path "*/steamapps/common/DayZ" 2>/dev/null) if [[ $(echo "$path" | wc -l) -gt 1 ]]; then path_sel=$(echo -e "$path" | zenity --list --title="DZGUI" --text="Multiple paths found. Select correct DayZ path" --column="Paths" --width 1200 --height 800) clean_path=$(echo -e "$path_sel" | awk -F"/steamapps" '{print $1}') steam_path="$clean_path" elif [[ ! $(echo $path | wc -c) -eq 0 ]]; then clean_path=$(echo -e "$path" | awk -F"/steamapps" '{print $1}') steam_path="$clean_path" else steam_path="" fi fi fi echo "[DZGUI] Set Steam path to $steam_path" } create_config(){ player_input="$(zenity --forms --add-entry="Player name (required for some servers)" --add-entry="API key" --add-entry="Server 1 (you can add more later)" --title=DZGUI --text=DZGUI --add-entry="Server 2" --add-entry="Server 3" --add-entry="Server 4" $sd_res --separator="│")" name=$(echo "$player_input" | awk -F│ '{print $1}') api_key=$(echo "$player_input" | awk -F│ '{print $2}') whitelist=$(echo "$player_input" | awk -F"│" '{OFS=","}{print $3,$4,$5}' | sed 's/,*$//g' | sed 's/^,*//g') guess_path > >(zenity --progress --auto-close --pulsate) mkdir -p $config_path; write_config > $config_file info "Config file created at $config_file." } err(){ printf "[ERROR] %s\n" "$1" } varcheck(){ [[ -z $api_key ]] && (err "Error in key: 'api_key'") [[ -z $whitelist ]] && (err "Error in key: 'whitelist'") [[ ! -d $workshop_dir ]] && (err "Malformed workshop path") [[ ! -d $game_dir ]] && (err "Malformed game path") [[ $whitelist =~ [[:space:]] ]] && (err "Separate whitelist values with commas") } run_depcheck() { if [[ -z $(depcheck) ]]; then : else zenity --warning --ok-label="Exit" --text="$(depcheck)" exit fi } run_varcheck(){ source $config_file workshop_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/workshop/content/$aid" game_dir="$steam_path/steamapps/common/DayZ" if [[ -z $(varcheck) ]]; then : else zenity --warning --ok-label="Exit" --text="$(varcheck)" 2>/dev/null printf "[DZGUI] %s\n" "$check_config_msg" exit fi } config(){ if [[ ! -f $config_file ]]; then zenity --question --cancel-label="Exit" --text="Config file not found. Should DZGUI create one for you?" 2>/dev/null code=$? if [[ $code -eq 1 ]]; then exit else create_config fi else source $config_file fi } open_mod_links(){ link_file=$(mktemp) echo "" > $link_file echo "DZGUI" >> $link_file echo "


" >> $link_file echo "

Open these links and subscribe to them on the Steam Workshop, then continue with the application prompts.
Note: it may take some time for mods to synchronize before DZGUI can see them.
It can help to have Steam in an adjacent window so that you can see the downloads completing.

" >> $link_file for i in $diff; do echo "${workshop}$i
" done >> $link_file echo "" >> $link_file browser "$link_file" } manual_mod_install(){ l=0 if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 0 ]]; then open_mod_links until [[ -z $diff ]]; do zenity --question --title="DZGUI" --ok-label="Next" --cancel-label="Cancel" --text="Opened mod links in browser. Click [Next] when all mods have been subscribed to. This dialog may reappear if clicking [Next] too soon before mods are synchronized in the background." 2>/dev/null rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then compare open_mod_links else return fi done else until [[ -z $diff ]]; do next=$(echo -e "$diff" | head -n1) zenity --question --ok-label="Open" --cancel-label="Cancel" --title="DZGUI" --text="Missing mods. Click [Open] to open mod $next in Steam Workshop and subscribe to it by clicking the green Subscribe button. After the mod is downloaded, return to this menu to continue validation." 2>/dev/null rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then echo "[DZGUI] Opening ${workshop}$next" steam steam://url/CommunityFilePage/$next 2>/dev/null & zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --ok-label="Next" --text="Click [Next] to continue mod check." 2>/dev/null else return fi compare done fi passed_mod_check } symlinks(){ for d in "$workshop_dir"/*; do id=$(awk -F"= " '/publishedid/ {print $2}' "$d"/meta.cpp | awk -F\; '{print $1}') mod=$(awk -F\" '/name/ {print $2}' "$d"/meta.cpp | sed -E 's/[^[:alpha:]0-9]+/_/g; s/^_|_$//g') link="@$id-$mod" if [[ -h "$game_dir/$link" ]]; then : else printf "[DZGUI] Creating symlink for $mod\n" ln -fs "$d" "$game_dir/$link" fi done } passed_mod_check(){ echo "[DZGUI] Passed mod check" symlinks launch } connect(){ #TODO: sanitize/validate input ip=$(echo "$1" | awk -F"$separator" '{print $1}') bid=$(echo "$1" | awk -F"$separator" '{print $2}') fetch_mods "$bid" validate_mods rc=$? [[ $rc -eq 1 ]] && return compare if [[ -n $diff ]]; then manual_mod_install else passed_mod_check fi } fetch_mods(){ remote_mods=$(curl -s "$api" -H "Authorization: Bearer "$api_key"" -G -d filter[ids][whitelist]="$1" -d "sort=-players" \ | jq -r '.data[] .attributes .details .modIds[]') } check_workshop(){ curl -Ls "$url${modlist[$i]}" | grep data-appid | awk -F\" '{print $8}' } query_defunct(){ max=${#modlist[@]} concat(){ for ((i=0;i<$max;i++)); do echo "publishedfileids[$i]=${modlist[$i]}&" done | awk '{print}' ORS='' } payload(){ echo -e "itemcount=${max}&$(concat)" } post(){ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "$(payload)" 'https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetPublishedFileDetails/v1/?format=json' } readarray -t newlist <<< $(post | jq -r '.[].publishedfiledetails[] | select(.result==1) .publishedfileid') } validate_mods(){ url="https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=" newlist=() readarray -t modlist <<< $remote_mods query_defunct } server_modlist(){ for i in "${newlist[@]}"; do printf "$i\n" done } compare(){ diff=$(comm -23 <(server_modlist | sort) <(installed_mods | sort)) } installed_mods(){ ls -1 "$workshop_dir" } concat_mods(){ readarray -t serv <<< "$(server_modlist)" for i in "${serv[@]}"; do id=$(awk -F"= " '/publishedid/ {print $2}' "$workshop_dir"/$i/meta.cpp | awk -F\; '{print $1}') mod=$(awk -F\" '/name/ {print $2}' "$workshop_dir"/$i/meta.cpp | sed -E 's/[^[:alpha:]0-9]+/_/g; s/^_|_$//g') link="@$id-$mod;" echo -e "$link" done | tr -d '\n' | perl -ple 'chop' } launch(){ mods=$(concat_mods) if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]]; then zenity --warning --title="DZGUI" \ --text="$(printf "[DEBUG] This is a dry run. These options would have been used to launch the game:\n\nsteam -applaunch $aid -connect=$ip -nolauncher -nosplash -skipintro \"-mod=$mods\"\n")" 2>/dev/null else echo "[DZGUI] All OK. Launching DayZ" zenity --title="DZGUI" --info --text="Launch conditions satisfied.\nDayZ will now launch after clicking [OK]." 2>/dev/null steam -applaunch $aid -connect=$ip -nolauncher -nosplash -skipintro -name=$name \"-mod=$mods\" exit fi one_shot_launch=0 } browser(){ if [[ -n "$BROWSER" ]]; then "$BROWSER" "$1" 2>/dev/null else xdg-open "$1" 2>/dev/null fi } report_bug(){ echo "[DZGUI] Opening issues page in browser" if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]]; then steam steam://openurl/"$git_url" 2>/dev/null elif [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 0 ]]; then browser "$git_url" 2>/dev/null fi } help_file(){ echo "[DZGUI] Opening help file in browser" if [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 1 ]]; then steam steam://openurl/"$help_url" 2>/dev/null elif [[ $is_steam_deck -eq 0 ]]; then browser "$help_url" 2>/dev/null fi } set_mode(){ if [[ $debug -eq 1 ]]; then mode=debug else mode=normal fi } populate(){ while true; do #TODO: add boolean statement for ping flag; affects all column ordinal output cols="--column="Server" --column="IP" --column="Players" --column="Gametime" --column="Status" --column="ID" --column="Ping"" sel=$(cat $tmp | zenity $sd_res --list $cols --title="DZGUI" --text="DZGUI $version | Mode: $mode | Fav: $fav_label" \ --separator="$separator" --print-column=2,6 2>/dev/null) rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -z $sel ]]; then warn "No item was selected." else connect $sel fi else return fi done } list_mods(){ if [[ -z $(installed_mods) || -z $(find $workshop_dir -maxdepth 2 -name "*.cpp" | grep .cpp) ]]; then zenity --info --text="No mods currently installed or incorrect path given" $sd_res 2>/dev/null else for d in $(installed_mods); do awk -F\" '/name/ {print $2}' "$workshop_dir"/$d/meta.cpp done | sort | zenity --text-info --title="DZGUI" $sd_res 2>/dev/null fi } connect_to_fav(){ if [[ -n $fav ]]; then one_shot_launch=1 query_api sel=$(jq -r '.data[] .attributes | "\(.ip):\(.port)%%\(.id)"' <<< $response) echo "[DZGUI] Attempting connection to $fav_label" connect "$sel" one_shot_launch=0 else warn "No fav server configured" fi } main_menu(){ set_mode if [[ -n $fav ]]; then set_fav items[3]="Change favorite server" fi while true; do sel=$(zenity --width=1280 --height=800 --list --title="DZGUI" --text="DZGUI $version | Mode: $mode | Fav: $fav_label" \ --cancel-label="Exit" --ok-label="Select" --column="Select launch option" "${items[@]}" 2>/dev/null) rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -z $sel ]]; then warn "No item was selected." elif [[ $sel == "${items[0]}" ]]; then query_api parse_json <<< "$response" #TODO: create logger function echo "[DZGUI] Checking response time of servers" create_array | zenity --progress --pulsate --title="DZGUI" --auto-close 2>/dev/null rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 1 ]]; then : else populate fi elif [[ $sel == "${items[1]}" ]]; then connect_to_fav elif [[ $sel == "${items[2]}" ]]; then add_by_id elif [[ $sel == "${items[3]}" ]]; then add_by_fav elif [[ $sel == "${items[4]}" ]]; then list_mods elif [[ $sel == "${items[5]}" ]]; then report_bug elif [[ $sel == "${items[6]}" ]]; then help_file elif [[ $sel == "${items[7]}" ]]; then changelog | zenity --text-info $sd_res --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null else warn "This feature is not yet implemented." fi else return fi done } parse_json(){ list=$(jq -r '.data[] .attributes | "\(.name)\t\(.ip):\(.port)\t\(.players)/\(.maxPlayers)\t\(.details.time)\t\(.status)\t\(.id)"') echo -e "$list" > $tmp } check_ping(){ ping_ip=$(echo "$1" | awk -F'\t' '{print $2}' | awk -F: '{print $1}') ms=$(ping -c 1 -W 1 "$ping_ip" | awk -Ftime= '/time=/ {print $2}') if [[ -z $ms ]]; then echo "Timeout" else echo "$ms" fi } create_array(){ list=$(cat $tmp) #TODO: improve error handling for null values lc=1 while read line; do name=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'\t' '{print $1}') #truncate names if [[ $(echo "$name" | wc -m) -gt 50 ]]; then name="$(echo $name | awk '{print substr($0,1,50) "..."}')" else : fi ip=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'\t' '{print $2}') players=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'\t' '{print $3}') time=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'\t' '{print $4}') stat=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'\t' '{print $5}') #yad only #[[ $stat == "online" ]] && stat="online" || : #TODO: probe offline return codes id=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'\t' '{print $6}') tc=$(awk 'END{print NR}' $tmp) echo "$lc/$tc" echo "# Checking ping: $lc/$tc" ping=$(check_ping "$line") declare -g -a rows=("${rows[@]}" "$name" "$ip" "$players" "$time" "$stat" "$id" "$ping") let lc++ done <<< "$list" for i in "${rows[@]}"; do echo -e "$i"; done > $tmp } set_fav(){ #TODO: test API key here and return errors query_api fav_label=$(curl -s "$api" -H "Authorization: Bearer "$api_key"" -G -d "filter[game]=$game" -d "filter[ids][whitelist]=$fav" \ | jq -r '.data[] .attributes .name') if [[ -z $fav_label ]]; then fav_label=null fi echo "[DZGUI] Setting favorite server to '$fav_label'" } check_unmerged(){ if [[ -f ${config_path}.unmerged ]]; then printf "[DZGUI] Found new config format, merging changes\n" merge_config rm ${config_path}.unmerged fi } merge_config(){ source $config_file mv $config_file ${config_path}dztuirc.old write_config > $config_file printf "[DZGUI] Wrote new config file to %sdztuirc\n" $config_path zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="Wrote new config format to \n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occur, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" 2>/dev/null } download_new_version(){ source_dir=$(dirname -- "$(readlink -f -- "$0";)") mv $source_dir/dzgui.sh $source_dir/dzgui.old curl -Ls "$version_url" > $source_dir/dzgui.sh rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then echo "[DZGUI] Wrote $upstream to $source_dir/dzgui.sh" chmod +x $source_dir/dzgui.sh touch ${config_path}.unmerged zenity --question --title="DZGUI" --text "DZGUI $upstream successfully downloaded.\nTo view the changelog, select Changelog.\nTo use the new version, select Exit and restart." --ok-label="Changelog" --cancel-label="Exit" 2>/dev/null code=$? if [[ $code -eq 0 ]]; then changelog | zenity --text-info $sd_res --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null exit elif [[ $code -eq 1 ]]; then exit fi else mv $source_dir/dzgui.old $source_dir/dzgui.sh zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text "Failed to download new version." 2>/dev/null return fi } check_version(){ if [[ $version == $upstream ]]; then check_unmerged else echo "[DZGUI] Upstream ($upstream) is > local ($version)" zenity --question --title="DZGUI" --text "Newer version available.\n\nYour version:\t\t\t$version\nUpstream version:\t\t$upstream\n\nAttempt to download latest version?" --width=500 --ok-label="Yes" --cancel-label="No" 2>/dev/null rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 1 ]]; then return else download_new_version fi fi } check_architecture(){ os_release=$(awk '/steamdeck/' "/etc/os-release") if [[ -f "/etc/os-release" ]] && [[ -n $os_releasec ]]; then is_steam_deck=1 echo "[DZGUI] Setting architecture to 'Steam Deck'" else is_steam_deck=0 echo "[DZGUI] Setting architecture to 'desktop'" fi } add_by_id(){ #TODO: prevent redundant creation of existent IDs while true; do id=$(zenity --entry --text="Enter server ID" --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null) rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 1 ]]; then return else if [[ ! $id =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then zenity --warning --title="DZGUI" --text="Invalid ID" 2>/dev/null else new_whitelist="whitelist=\"$whitelist,$id\"" mv $config_file ${config_path}dztuirc.old nr=$(awk '/whitelist=/ {print NR}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old) awk -v "var=$new_whitelist" -v "nr=$nr" 'NR==nr {$0=var}{print}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old > ${config_path}dztuirc echo "[DZGUI] Added $id to key 'whitelist'" zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="Added "$id" to:\n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occur, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" 2>/dev/null source $config_file return fi fi done } add_by_fav(){ while true; do fav_id=$(zenity --entry --text="Enter server ID" --title="DZGUI" 2>/dev/null) rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 1 ]]; then return else if [[ ! $fav_id =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then zenity --warning --title="DZGUI" --text="Invalid ID" else new_fav="fav=\"$fav_id\"" mv $config_file ${config_path}dztuirc.old nr=$(awk '/fav=/ {print NR}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old) awk -v "var=$new_fav" -v "nr=$nr" 'NR==nr {$0=var}{print}' ${config_path}dztuirc.old > ${config_path}dztuirc echo "[DZGUI] Added $fav_id to key 'fav'" zenity --info --title="DZGUI" --text="Added "$fav_id" to:\n${config_path}dztuirc\nIf errors occurred, you can restore the file:\n${config_path}dztuirc.old" 2>/dev/null source $config_file set_fav items[3]="Change favorite server" return fi fi done } main(){ run_depcheck check_version check_architecture config run_varcheck main_menu } main