import logging as log import argparse import requests import json import base64 from time import sleep from datetime import datetime log_levels = { "DEBUG": log.DEBUG, "INFO": log.INFO, "WARNING": log.WARNING, "ERROR": log.ERROR, "CRITICAL": log.CRITICAL } # Converts Nextcloud's notification buttons to notification actions def parse_actions(actions: list) -> list: parsed_actions = [] for action in actions: action_parsed = { "action": "http", "label": f"{action['label']}", "url": f"{action['link']}", "method": f"{action['type']}", "clear": True } # The `action['type']` is documented to be a HTTP request. # But a value of `WEB` is also used # which is used for opening links in the browser. if action_parsed["method"] == "WEB": del action_parsed["method"] action_parsed["action"] = "view" parsed_actions.append(action_parsed) return parsed_actions def push_to_ntfy(url: str, token: str, topic: str, title: str, click = "", message = "", actions = []) -> requests.Response: jsonData = { "topic": f"{topic}", "title": f"{title}", "message": f"{message}", "click": f"{click}", "actions": actions } response =, data=json.dumps(jsonData), headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}" }) return response # Nextcloud apps have quite often internal names differing from the UI names. # - Eg. `spreed` is `Talk` # This is the place to track the differences def translate_app_name(app = str) -> str: if app == "spreed": return "Talk" elif app == "event_update_notification": return "Calendar" else: return app def arg_parser() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description ='Nextcloud to notification bridge.') parser.add_argument( "--log_level", type=str, default="INFO", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], help="Set the logging level (default: INFO)" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config-file", type=str, default="./config.json", required=True, help="Path to the configuration file" ) return parser.parse_args() def load_config(config_file: str) -> dict: # Default values for the configuration default_config = { "ntfy_base_url": "", "ntfy_topic": "nextcloud", "ntfy_token": "default_token", "nextcloud_base_url": "", "nextcloud_notification_path": "/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v2/notifications", "nextcloud_username": "user", "nextcloud_password": "application_password", "nextcloud_poll_interval_seconds": 10, "nextcloud_error_sleep_seconds": 300, "nextcloud_204_sleep_seconds": 3600, "rate_limit_sleep_seconds": 600 } try: # Attempt to load the JSON config file with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_data = json.load(file) # Check and fill missing values with defaults for key, value in default_config.items(): if key not in config_data: config_data[key] = value return config_data except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Configuration file {config_file} not found. Using default values.") return default_config except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error decoding JSON from {config_file}. Using default values.") return default_config def main(): args = arg_parser() config = load_config(args.config_file) log.basicConfig( format="{asctime} - {levelname} - {message}", style="{", datefmt="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", level=log_levels[args.log_level] )"Started Nextcloud to notification bridge.") last_datetime = datetime.fromisoformat("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z") nextcloud_auth_header = f"Basic {base64.b64encode(f"{config["nextcloud_username"]}:{config["nextcloud_password"]}".encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")}" nextcloud_request_headers = { "Authorization": f"{nextcloud_auth_header}", "OCS-APIREQUEST": "true", "Accept": "application/json" } while True: log.debug("Fetching notifications.") response = requests.get(f"{config["nextcloud_base_url"]}{config["nextcloud_notification_path"]}", headers = nextcloud_request_headers) if not response.ok: log.error(f"Error while fetching notifications. Response code: {response.status_code}.") log.warning(f"Sleeping for {config["nextcloud_error_sleep_seconds"]} seconds.") sleep(config["nextcloud_error_sleep_seconds"]) continue elif response.status_code == 204: log.debug(f"Got code 204 while fetching notifications. Sleeping for {config["nextcloud_204_sleep_seconds"]/60/60} hour(s).") log.debug(f"Got resonse code: {response.status_code}") log.debug(f"Received data:\n{response.text}") data = json.loads(response.text) for notification in reversed(data["ocs"]["data"]): if datetime.fromisoformat(notification["datetime"]) <= last_datetime: log.debug("No new notifications.") continue last_datetime = datetime.fromisoformat(notification["datetime"])"New notifications received.") title = "" if notification["app"] == "admin_notifications": title = f"Nextcloud: {notification["subject"]}" else: title = f"Nextcloud - {translate_app_name(notification["app"])}: {notification["subject"]}" log.debug(f"Notification title: {title}") message = notification["message"] log.debug(f"Notification message:\n{message}") actions = parse_actions(notification["actions"]) actions.append({ "action": "http", "label": "Dismiss", "url": f"{config["nextcloud_base_url"]}{config["nextcloud_notification_path"]}/{notification["notification_id"]}", "method": "DELETE", "headers": { "Authorization": f"{nextcloud_auth_header}", "OCS-APIREQUEST": "true" }, "clear": True }) log.debug(f"Notification actions:\n{actions}")"Pushing notification to ntfy.") response = push_to_ntfy(config["ntfy_base_url"], config["ntfy_token"], config["ntfy_topic"], title, notification["link"], message, actions) if response.status_code == 429: log.error(f"Error pushing notification to {config["ntfy_base_url"]}: Too Many Requests.") log.warning(f"Sleeping for {config["rate_limit_sleep_seconds"]} seconds.") elif not response.ok: log.critical(f"Unknown erroro while pushing notification to {config["ntfy_base_url"]}. Error code: {response.status_code}.") log.critical(f"Response: {response.text}") log.error("Stopping.") exit(1) sleep(config["nextcloud_poll_interval_seconds"]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()