local cmd = vim.cmd
local fn = vim.fn
local opt = vim.o
local g = vim.g

-- <leader> key. Defaults to `\`. Some people prefer space.
g.mapleader = ' '
-- g.maplocalleader = ' '
vim.opt.wrap = false

opt.compatible = false

-- Enable true colour support
if fn.has('termguicolors') then
  opt.termguicolors = true

vim.cmd.colorscheme "catppuccin-mocha"

-- See :h <option> to see what the options do

-- Search down into subfolders
opt.path = vim.o.path .. '**'

opt.number = true
opt.relativenumber = true
opt.cursorline = true
opt.lazyredraw = true
opt.showmatch = true -- Highlight matching parentheses, etc
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TextYankPost', { -- Highlight yank
  group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('highlight_yank', {}),
  desc = 'Hightlight selection on yank',
  pattern = '*',
  callback = function()
    vim.highlight.on_yank { higroup = 'IncSearch', timeout = 200 }
opt.incsearch = true
opt.hlsearch = true
opt.ignorecase = true -- Make search case insensitive
opt.smartcase = true -- Overrides ignorecase if your pattern contains mixed case

opt.spell = true
opt.spelllang = 'en'

opt.expandtab = true
opt.tabstop = 2
opt.softtabstop = 2
opt.shiftwidth = 2
opt.foldenable = true
opt.history = 2000
opt.nrformats = 'bin,hex' -- 'octal'
opt.undofile = true
opt.splitright = true
opt.splitbelow = true
opt.cmdheight = 0

opt.fillchars = [[eob: ,fold: ,foldopen:,foldsep: ,foldclose:]]

-- Configure Neovim diagnostic messages

local function prefix_diagnostic(prefix, diagnostic)
  return string.format(prefix .. ' %s', diagnostic.message)

local sign = function(opts)
  fn.sign_define(opts.name, {
    texthl = opts.name,
    text = opts.text,
    numhl = '',
-- Requires Nerd fonts
sign { name = 'DiagnosticSignError', text = '󰅚' }
sign { name = 'DiagnosticSignWarn', text = '⚠' }
sign { name = 'DiagnosticSignInfo', text = 'ⓘ' }
sign { name = 'DiagnosticSignHint', text = '󰌶' }

vim.diagnostic.config {
  virtual_text = {
    prefix = '',
    format = function(diagnostic)
      local severity = diagnostic.severity
      if severity == vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR then
        return prefix_diagnostic('󰅚', diagnostic)
      if severity == vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN then
        return prefix_diagnostic('⚠', diagnostic)
      if severity == vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO then
        return prefix_diagnostic('ⓘ', diagnostic)
      if severity == vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT then
        return prefix_diagnostic('󰌶', diagnostic)
      return prefix_diagnostic('■', diagnostic)
  signs = true,
  update_in_insert = false,
  underline = true,
  severity_sort = true,
  float = {
    focusable = false,
    style = 'minimal',
    border = 'rounded',
    source = 'always',
    header = '',
    prefix = '',

g.editorconfig = true

-- cmd[[colorscheme tokyonight]]
vim.opt.colorcolumn = '80,100'

-- Native plugins
cmd.filetype('plugin', 'indent', 'on')
cmd.packadd('cfilter') -- Allows filtering the quickfix list with :cfdo

-- let sqlite.lua (which some plugins depend on) know where to find sqlite
vim.g.sqlite_clib_path = require('luv').os_getenv('LIBSQLITE')

-- this should be at the end, because
-- it causes neovim to source ftplugins
-- on the packpath when passing a file to the nvim command