A dead simple Nix flake template repository
for Neovim
[![GPL2 License][license-shield]][license-url]

If Nix and Neovim have one thing in common,
it's that many new users don't know where to get started.
Most Nix-based Neovim setups assume deep expertise in both realms,
abstracting away Neovim's core functionalities
as well as the Nix internals used to build a Neovim config.
Frameworks and module-based DSLs are opinionated and difficult to diverge from
with one's own modifications.
`kickstart-nix.nvim` is different:
It's geared for users of all levels,
making the migration of Neovim configurations to Nix straightforward.
This project aims to be as simple as possible, while allowing
for maximum flexibility.
> [!NOTE]
> Similar to [`kickstart.nvim`](https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim),
> this repository is meant to be used by **you** to begin your
> **Nix**/Neovim journey; remove the things you don't use and add what you miss.
## Quick Links
- [Philosophy](#philosophy)
- [Features](#features)
- [Test drive](#test-drive)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Design](#design)
- [Pre-configured plugins](#pre-configured-plugins)
- [Syncing updates](#syncing-updates)
- [Alternative / similar projects](#alternative--similar-projects)
## Philosophy
- KISS principle with sane defaults.
- Manage plugins + external dependencies using Nix
(managing plugins shouldn't be the responsibility of a plugin).
- Configuration entirely in Lua[^1] (Vimscript is also possible).
This makes it easy to migrate from non-nix dotfiles.
- Use Neovim's built-in loading mechanisms. See:
- [`:h initialization`](https://neovim.io/doc/user/starting.html#initialization)
- [`:h runtimepath`](https://neovim.io/doc/user/options.html#'runtimepath')
- [`:h packadd`](https://neovim.io/doc/user/repeat.html#%3Apackadd)
- Use Neovim's built-in LSP client, with Nix managing language servers.
## Features
- Use either nixpkgs or flake inputs as plugin sources.
- Usable on any device with Neovim and Nix installed.
- Ability to create multiple derivations with different sets of plugins,
and simple regex filters to exclude config files.
- Uses Nix to generate a `.luarc.json` in the devShell's `shellHook`.
This sets up lua-language-server to recognize all plugins
and the Neovim API.
[^1]: The absence of a Nix module DSL for Neovim configuration is deliberate.
If you were to copy the `nvim` directory to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`,
and install the plugins, it would work out of the box.
## Test drive
If you have Nix installed (with [flakes](https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes) enabled),
you can test drive this by running:
nix run "github:mrcjkb/kickstart-nix.nvim"
## Usage
1. Click on [Use this template](https://github.com/mrcjkb/kickstart-nix.nvim/generate)
to start a repo based on this template. **Do _not_ fork it**.
1. Add/remove plugins to/from the [Neovim overlay](./nix/neovim-overlay.nix).
1. Add/remove plugin configs to/from the `nvim/plugin` directory.
1. Modify as you wish (you will probably want to add a color theme, ...).
See: [Design](#design).
1. You can create more than one package using the `mkNeovim` function by
- Passing different plugin lists.
- Adding `ignoreConfigRegexes` (e.g. `= [ "^ftplugin/.*.lua" ]`).
> [!TIP]
> The nix and lua files contain comments explaining
> what everything does in detail.
## Installation
### NixOS (with flakes)
1. Add your flake to you NixOS flake inputs.
1. Add the overlay provided by this flake.
nixpkgs.overlays = [
# replace