Added: - [aerial.nvim]( - [better-escape.nvim]( - [dressing.nvim]( - [ident-blankline.nvim]( - [nvim-notify]( - [todo-comments.nvim]( Moved plugin source from Github to Nix: - [Comment.nvim]( - [neo-tree.nvim]( Mapped windown switching to `<C-h`... instead of `<M-h`... Moved some coliding lsp keymaps under the `<leader>l` group - Eg. `<leader>ls` for signature help
97 lines
2.6 KiB
97 lines
2.6 KiB
if vim.g.did_load_treesitter_plugin then
vim.g.did_load_treesitter_plugin = true
local configs = require('nvim-treesitter.configs')
vim.g.skip_ts_context_comment_string_module = true
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields
configs.setup {
-- ensure_installed = 'all',
-- auto_install = false, -- Do not automatically install missing parsers when entering buffer
highlight = {
enable = true,
disable = function(_, buf)
local max_filesize = 100 * 1024 -- 100 KiB
local ok, stats = pcall(vim.loop.fs_stat, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf))
if ok and stats and stats.size > max_filesize then
return true
textobjects = {
select = {
enable = true,
-- Automatically jump forward to textobject, similar to targets.vim
lookahead = true,
keymaps = {
['af'] = '@function.outer',
['if'] = '@function.inner',
['ac'] = '@class.outer',
['ic'] = '@class.inner',
['aC'] = '@call.outer',
['iC'] = '@call.inner',
['a#'] = '@comment.outer',
['i#'] = '@comment.outer',
['ai'] = '@conditional.outer',
['ii'] = '@conditional.outer',
['al'] = '@loop.outer',
['il'] = '@loop.inner',
['aP'] = '@parameter.outer',
['iP'] = '@parameter.inner',
selection_modes = {
['@parameter.outer'] = 'v', -- charwise
['@function.outer'] = 'V', -- linewise
['@class.outer'] = '<c-v>', -- blockwise
swap = {
enable = true,
swap_next = {
['<leader>sa'] = '@parameter.inner',
swap_previous = {
['<leader>sA'] = '@parameter.inner',
move = {
enable = true,
set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist
goto_next_start = {
[']m'] = '@function.outer',
[']P'] = '@parameter.outer',
goto_next_end = {
[']m'] = '@function.outer',
[']P'] = '@parameter.outer',
goto_previous_start = {
['[m'] = '@function.outer',
['[P'] = '@parameter.outer',
goto_previous_end = {
['[m'] = '@function.outer',
['[P'] = '@parameter.outer',
nsp_interop = {
enable = true,
peek_definition_code = {
['df'] = '@function.outer',
['dF'] = '@class.outer',
require('treesitter-context').setup {
max_lines = 3,
-- Tree-sitter based folding
-- vim.opt.foldmethod = 'expr'
vim.opt.foldexpr = 'nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()'