Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/jiriks74/presence.nvim synced 2025-03-14 18:23:00 +01:00

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9 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
fix: move to a new application id
to prevent potential issues with the original project
2023-11-09 15:57:47 +01:00
fix(featreq_template): change name from Issue report to Feature request (#20) 2023-09-29 02:56:40 +02:00
feat(featreq_template): convert from markdown to issue form (#18) 2023-09-29 02:51:28 +02:00
feat(bug_template): add checks, add log formating (#16) 2023-09-29 02:41:15 +02:00
fix(formatting): Fix formatting using stylua (#11) 2023-09-29 02:14:33 +02:00
fix(ci/cd-stylua): cannot contain spaces, invalid StyLua version (#15)
* fix(ci/cd-stylua): cannot contain spaces

* fix(ci/cs-stylua): invalid version number
2023-09-29 02:14:06 +02:00
fix(ci/cd-stylua): Missing runs on, steps, names (#14)
* fix(ci/cd-luacheck): Rename job from sile to Luacheck

* fix(ci/cd-stylua): Missing runs on, steps, names
2023-09-29 02:08:42 +02:00
fix(ci/cd-luacheck): Rename job from sile to Luacheck (#13) 2023-09-29 02:03:51 +02:00
feat(ci/cd): add stylua action (#12)
* feat(ci/cd): add stylua action

* docs: Add StyLua disclaimer to README

* fix(ci/cd-stylua): Secret started with GITHUB_

* fix(ci/cd-stylua): Missing name, on, jobs
2023-09-29 01:57:42 +02:00
15 changed files with 2177 additions and 1929 deletions

View file

@ -1,47 +1,98 @@
name: Issue report
description: Report any errors, bugs, or unexpected behaviors related to presence.nvim
title: "[Bug]: "
labels: [bug]
- jiriks74
- type: markdown
value: |
Before reporting, please search [existing issues](https://github.com/andweeb/presence.nvim/issues) and make sure that presence.nvim is updated to the latest version.
- type: checkboxes
label: Are you on the latest version?
- label: I have updated to the latest version.
required: true
- type: checkboxes
label: Have you tried it with default config?
- label: I have tried the default config.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: "Description"
description: "A short summary of the error, bug, or unexpected behavior you're facing."
required: true
- type: textarea
label: "Neovim version"
description: "Output of `nvim --version`"
render: markdown
placeholder: |
NVIM v0.6.0-dev+209-g0603eba6e
NVIM: v0.6.0-dev+209-g0603eba6e
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
LuaJIT: 2.1.0-beta3
value: |
Build type:
required: true
- type: input
label: "OS information"
placeholder: "macOS 12.0.1"
required: true
- type: textarea
label: "Steps to reproduce"
description: "Steps to reproduce the issue with your config(s) if applicable"
description: "Steps to reproduce the issue with your config(s) if applicable."
placeholder: |
1. Setup presence.nvim with `require("presence"):setup({...})`
2. Run Neovim with `nvim test.txt`
3. ...
required: true
- type: textarea
label: "Logs"
description: "The full list of `:messages` from one or more `nvim` instances"
description: "The full list of `:messages` from one or more `nvim` instances.\nPlease insert the logs into code blocks."
placeholder: |
[presence.nvim] Using runtime path: /run/user/1000
[presence.nvim] Using Discord IPC socket path: /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0
[presence.nvim] Checking Discord IPC socket at /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0...
value: |
required: true
- type: textarea
label: "Aditional info"
description: "If you'd like to add anything else put it here."
required: false

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ''
labels: enhancement
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
name: Feature request
description: Report any errors, bugs, or unexpected behaviors related to presence.nvim
title: "[FEAT]: "
labels: [enhancement]
- jiriks74
- type: textarea
label: Is your feature request related to a problem?
description: A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when...
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Describe the solution you'd like
description: A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
required: false
- type: textarea
label: Describe alternatives you've considered
description: A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
required: false
- type: textarea
label: Additional context
description: Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
required: false

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: Luacheck
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout

.github/workflows/stylua.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name: StyLua
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: StyLua check
uses: JohnnyMorganz/stylua-action@v3
token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
version: v0.18.2 # NOTE: we recommend pinning to a specific version in case of formatting changes
# CLI arguments
args: --check .

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ require("presence").setup({
auto_update = true, -- Update activity based on autocmd events (if `false`, map or manually execute `:lua package.loaded.presence:update()`)
neovim_image_text = "The One True Text Editor", -- Text displayed when hovered over the Neovim image
main_image = "neovim", -- Main image display (either "neovim" or "file")
client_id = "793271441293967371", -- Use your own Discord application client id (not recommended)
client_id = "1172122807501594644", -- Use your own Discord application client id (not recommended)
log_level = nil, -- Log messages at or above this level (one of the following: "debug", "info", "warn", "error")
debounce_timeout = 10, -- Number of seconds to debounce events (or calls to `:lua package.loaded.presence:update(<filename>, true)`)
enable_line_number = false, -- Displays the current line number instead of the current project
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Or if global variables are more your thing, you can use any of the following ins
let g:presence_auto_update = 1
let g:presence_neovim_image_text = "The One True Text Editor"
let g:presence_main_image = "neovim"
let g:presence_client_id = "793271441293967371"
let g:presence_client_id = "1172122807501594644"
let g:presence_log_level
let g:presence_debounce_timeout = 10
let g:presence_enable_line_number = 0
@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ errors: `luacheck lua`
**Please use [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/) if you want to contribute.
It makes everyones jobs easier.**
**This project uses [StyLua](https://github.com/JohnnyMorganz/StyLua). Please format your code using StyLua for better readability**
Pull requests are very welcome, feel free to open an issue to work on
or message [me (@jiriks74)](https://discordapp.com/users/517810049360461837) on my
[Discord server](https://discord.gg/cCq3qcB4jB)!

View file

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ local function byte_mod(x,v)
return (x % v)
-- buffer
local strbuf = "" -- for unpacking
local strary = {} -- for packing
@ -35,11 +34,10 @@ local function strary_append_int32(n,h)
if n < 0 then
n = n + 4294967296
table.insert(strary, tostr(h,
math.floor(n / 16777216),
math.floor(n / 65536) % 256,
math.floor(n / 256) % 256,
n % 256 ))
tostr(h, math.floor(n / 16777216), math.floor(n / 65536) % 256, math.floor(n / 256) % 256, n % 256)
local doubleto8bytes
@ -59,7 +57,10 @@ doubleto8bytes = function(x)
return math.floor(v / 256), tostr(math.fmod(math.floor(v), 256))
local sign = 0
if x < 0 then sign = 1; x = -x end
if x < 0 then
sign = 1
x = -x
local mantissa, exponent = math.frexp(x)
if x == 0 then -- zero
mantissa, exponent = 0, 0
@ -73,10 +74,13 @@ doubleto8bytes = function(x)
local v, byte = "" -- convert to bytes
x = mantissa
for _ = 1, 6 do
_, byte = grab_byte(x); v = v..byte -- 47:0
_, byte = grab_byte(x)
v = v .. byte -- 47:0
x, byte = grab_byte(exponent * 16 + x); v = v..byte -- 55:48
x, byte = grab_byte(sign * 128 + x); v = v..byte -- 63:56
x, byte = grab_byte(exponent * 16 + x)
v = v .. byte -- 55:48
x, byte = grab_byte(sign * 128 + x)
v = v .. byte -- 63:56
return v, x
@ -108,17 +112,33 @@ local function bytestodouble(v)
local exp = band(v:byte(8), 127) * 16 + rshift(v:byte(7), 4) - 1023 -- bias
-- frac: 52 bit
local fracbytes = {
band( v:byte(7), 15 ), v:byte(6), v:byte(5), v:byte(4), v:byte(3), v:byte(2), v:byte(1) -- big endian
band(v:byte(7), 15),
v:byte(1), -- big endian
local bits = bytestobits(fracbytes)
for _ = 1, 4 do table.remove(bits,1) end
for _ = 1, 4 do
table.remove(bits, 1)
if sign == 1 then sign = -1 else sign = 1 end
if sign == 1 then
sign = -1
sign = 1
local frac = bitstofrac(bits)
if exp == -1023 and frac==0 then return 0 end
if exp == 1024 and frac==0 then return 1/0 *sign end
if exp == -1023 and frac == 0 then
return 0
if exp == 1024 and frac == 0 then
return 1 / 0 * sign
local real = math.ldexp(1 + frac, exp)
@ -208,8 +228,12 @@ packers.table = function(data)
local is_map, ndata, nmax = false, 0, 0
for k, _ in pairs(data) do
if type(k) == "number" then
if k > nmax then nmax = k end
else is_map = true end
if k > nmax then
nmax = k
is_map = true
ndata = ndata + 1
if is_map then -- pack as map
@ -236,7 +260,9 @@ packers.table = function(data)
for i=1,nmax do packers[type(data[i])](data[i]) end
for i = 1, nmax do
@ -265,26 +291,36 @@ local types_map = {
local type_for = function(n)
if types_map[n] then return types_map[n]
if types_map[n] then
return types_map[n]
elseif n < 0xc0 then
if n < 0x80 then return "fixnum_posi"
elseif n < 0x90 then return "fixmap"
elseif n < 0xa0 then return "fixarray"
else return "fixraw" end
elseif n > 0xdf then return "fixnum_neg"
else return "undefined" end
if n < 0x80 then
return "fixnum_posi"
elseif n < 0x90 then
return "fixmap"
elseif n < 0xa0 then
return "fixarray"
return "fixraw"
elseif n > 0xdf then
return "fixnum_neg"
return "undefined"
local types_len_map = {
uint16 = 2, uint32 = 4, uint64 = 8,
int16 = 2, int32 = 4, int64 = 8,
float = 4, double = 8,
uint16 = 2,
uint32 = 4,
uint64 = 8,
int16 = 2,
int32 = 4,
int64 = 8,
float = 4,
double = 8,
--- unpackers
local unpackers = {}
@ -308,12 +344,16 @@ local unpack_number = function(offset,ntype,nlen)
elseif ntype == "int16_t" then
local n = b1 * 256 + b2
local nn = (65536 - n) * -1
if nn == -65536 then nn = 0 end
if nn == -65536 then
nn = 0
return nn
elseif ntype == "int32_t" then
local n = b1 * 65536 * 256 + b2 * 65536 + b3 * 256 + b4
local nn = (4294967296 - n) * -1
if nn == -4294967296 then nn = 0 end
if nn == -4294967296 then
nn = 0
return nn
elseif ntype == "double_t" then
local s = tostr(b8, b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1)
@ -325,13 +365,11 @@ local unpack_number = function(offset,ntype,nlen)
local function unpacker_number(offset)
local obj_type = type_for(string.byte(strbuf, offset + 1, offset + 1))
local nlen = types_len_map[obj_type]
local ntype
if (obj_type == "float") then
if obj_type == "float" then
error("float is not implemented")
ntype = obj_type .. "_t"
@ -362,7 +400,9 @@ local function unpack_array(offset,n)
function unpackers.dynamic(offset)
if offset >= #strbuf then error("need more data") end
if offset >= #strbuf then
error("need more data")
local obj_type = type_for(string.byte(strbuf, offset + 1, offset + 1))
return unpackers[obj_type](offset)
@ -485,8 +525,12 @@ local ljp_pack = function(data)
local ljp_unpack = function(s, offset)
if offset == nil then offset = 0 end
if type(s) ~= "string" then return false,"invalid argument" end
if offset == nil then
offset = 0
if type(s) ~= "string" then
return false, "invalid argument"
local data
strbuf = s
offset, data = unpackers.dynamic(offset)
@ -496,14 +540,14 @@ end
local function ljp_stat()
return {
double_decode_count = double_decode_count,
double_encode_count = double_encode_count
double_encode_count = double_encode_count,
local msgpack = {
pack = ljp_pack,
unpack = ljp_unpack,
stat = ljp_stat
stat = ljp_stat,
return msgpack

View file

@ -1,140 +1,265 @@
local n, v = "serpent", "0.302" -- (C) 2012-18 Paul Kulchenko; MIT License
local c, d = "Paul Kulchenko", "Lua serializer and pretty printer"
local snum = {[tostring(1/0)]='1/0 --[[math.huge]]',[tostring(-1/0)]='-1/0 --[[-math.huge]]',[tostring(0/0)]='0/0'}
local snum = {
[tostring(1 / 0)] = "1/0 --[[math.huge]]",
[tostring(-1 / 0)] = "-1/0 --[[-math.huge]]",
[tostring(0 / 0)] = "0/0",
local badtype = { thread = true, userdata = true, cdata = true }
local getmetatable = debug and debug.getmetatable or getmetatable
local pairs = function(t) return next, t end -- avoid using __pairs in Lua 5.2+
local pairs = function(t)
return next, t
end -- avoid using __pairs in Lua 5.2+
local keyword, globals, G = {}, {}, (_G or _ENV)
for _,k in ipairs({'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false',
'for', 'function', 'goto', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat',
'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while'}) do keyword[k] = true end
for k,v in pairs(G) do globals[v] = k end -- build func to name mapping
for _,g in ipairs({'coroutine', 'debug', 'io', 'math', 'string', 'table', 'os'}) do
for k,v in pairs(type(G[g]) == 'table' and G[g] or {}) do globals[v] = g..'.'..k end end
for _, k in ipairs({
}) do
keyword[k] = true
for k, v in pairs(G) do
globals[v] = k
end -- build func to name mapping
for _, g in ipairs({ "coroutine", "debug", "io", "math", "string", "table", "os" }) do
for k, v in pairs(type(G[g]) == "table" and G[g] or {}) do
globals[v] = g .. "." .. k
local function s(t, opts)
local name, indent, fatal, maxnum = opts.name, opts.indent, opts.fatal, opts.maxnum
local sparse, custom, huge = opts.sparse, opts.custom, not opts.nohuge
local space, maxl = (opts.compact and '' or ' '), (opts.maxlevel or math.huge)
local space, maxl = (opts.compact and "" or " "), (opts.maxlevel or math.huge)
local maxlen, metatostring = tonumber(opts.maxlength), opts.metatostring
local iname, comm = '_'..(name or ''), opts.comment and (tonumber(opts.comment) or math.huge)
local iname, comm = "_" .. (name or ""), opts.comment and (tonumber(opts.comment) or math.huge)
local numformat = opts.numformat or "%.17g"
local seen, sref, syms, symn = {}, {'local '..iname..'={}'}, {}, 0
local function gensym(val) return '_'..(tostring(tostring(val)):gsub("[^%w]",""):gsub("(%d%w+)",
local seen, sref, syms, symn = {}, { "local " .. iname .. "={}" }, {}, 0
local function gensym(val)
return "_"
.. (
tostring(tostring(val)):gsub("[^%w]", ""):gsub(
-- tostring(val) is needed because __tostring may return a non-string value
function(s) if not syms[s] then symn = symn+1; syms[s] = symn end return tostring(syms[s]) end)) end
local function safestr(s) return type(s) == "number" and tostring(huge and snum[tostring(s)] or numformat:format(s))
if not syms[s] then
symn = symn + 1
syms[s] = symn
return tostring(syms[s])
local function safestr(s)
return type(s) == "number" and tostring(huge and snum[tostring(s)] or numformat:format(s))
or type(s) ~= "string" and tostring(s) -- escape NEWLINE/010 and EOF/026
or ("%q"):format(s):gsub("\010","n"):gsub("\026","\\026") end
local function comment(s,l) return comm and (l or 0) < comm and ' --[['..select(2, pcall(tostring, s))..']]' or '' end
local function globerr(s,l) return globals[s] and globals[s]..comment(s,l) or not fatal
and safestr(select(2, pcall(tostring, s))) or error("Can't serialize "..tostring(s)) end
or ("%q"):format(s):gsub("\010", "n"):gsub("\026", "\\026")
local function comment(s, l)
return comm and (l or 0) < comm and " --[[" .. select(2, pcall(tostring, s)) .. "]]" or ""
local function globerr(s, l)
return globals[s] and globals[s] .. comment(s, l)
or not fatal and safestr(select(2, pcall(tostring, s)))
or error("Can't serialize " .. tostring(s))
local function safename(path, name) -- generates foo.bar, foo[3], or foo['b a r']
local n = name == nil and '' or name
local n = name == nil and "" or name
local plain = type(n) == "string" and n:match("^[%l%u_][%w_]*$") and not keyword[n]
local safe = plain and n or '['..safestr(n)..']'
return (path or '')..(plain and path and '.' or '')..safe, safe end
local alphanumsort = type(opts.sortkeys) == 'function' and opts.sortkeys or function(k, o, n) -- k=keys, o=originaltable, n=padding
local maxn, to = tonumber(n) or 12, {number = 'a', string = 'b'}
local function padnum(d) return ("%0"..tostring(maxn).."d"):format(tonumber(d)) end
local safe = plain and n or "[" .. safestr(n) .. "]"
return (path or "") .. (plain and path and "." or "") .. safe, safe
local alphanumsort = type(opts.sortkeys) == "function" and opts.sortkeys
or function(k, o, n) -- k=keys, o=originaltable, n=padding
local maxn, to = tonumber(n) or 12, { number = "a", string = "b" }
local function padnum(d)
return ("%0" .. tostring(maxn) .. "d"):format(tonumber(d))
table.sort(k, function(a, b)
-- sort numeric keys first: k[key] is not nil for numerical keys
return (k[a] ~= nil and 0 or to[type(a)] or 'z')..(tostring(a):gsub("%d+",padnum))
< (k[b] ~= nil and 0 or to[type(b)] or 'z')..(tostring(b):gsub("%d+",padnum)) end) end
return (k[a] ~= nil and 0 or to[type(a)] or "z") .. (tostring(a):gsub("%d+", padnum))
< (k[b] ~= nil and 0 or to[type(b)] or "z") .. (tostring(b):gsub("%d+", padnum))
local function val2str(t, name, indent, insref, path, plainindex, level)
local ttype, level, mt = type(t), (level or 0), getmetatable(t)
local spath, sname = safename(path, name)
local tag = plainindex and
((type(name) == "number") and '' or name..space..'='..space) or
(name ~= nil and sname..space..'='..space or '')
local tag = plainindex and ((type(name) == "number") and "" or name .. space .. "=" .. space)
or (name ~= nil and sname .. space .. "=" .. space or "")
if seen[t] then -- already seen this element
sref[#sref+1] = spath..space..'='..space..seen[t]
return tag..'nil'..comment('ref', level) end
sref[#sref + 1] = spath .. space .. "=" .. space .. seen[t]
return tag .. "nil" .. comment("ref", level)
-- protect from those cases where __tostring may fail
if type(mt) == 'table' and metatostring ~= false then
local to, tr = pcall(function() return mt.__tostring(t) end)
local so, sr = pcall(function() return mt.__serialize(t) end)
if (to or so) then -- knows how to serialize itself
if type(mt) == "table" and metatostring ~= false then
local to, tr = pcall(function()
return mt.__tostring(t)
local so, sr = pcall(function()
return mt.__serialize(t)
if to or so then -- knows how to serialize itself
seen[t] = insref or spath
t = so and sr or tr
ttype = type(t)
end -- new value falls through to be serialized
if ttype == "table" then
if level >= maxl then return tag..'{}'..comment('maxlvl', level) end
if level >= maxl then
return tag .. "{}" .. comment("maxlvl", level)
seen[t] = insref or spath
if next(t) == nil then return tag..'{}'..comment(t, level) end -- table empty
if maxlen and maxlen < 0 then return tag..'{}'..comment('maxlen', level) end
if next(t) == nil then
return tag .. "{}" .. comment(t, level)
end -- table empty
if maxlen and maxlen < 0 then
return tag .. "{}" .. comment("maxlen", level)
local maxn, o, out = math.min(#t, maxnum or #t), {}, {}
for key = 1, maxn do o[key] = key end
for key = 1, maxn do
o[key] = key
if not maxnum or #o < maxnum then
local n = #o -- n = n + 1; o[n] is much faster than o[#o+1] on large tables
for key in pairs(t) do if o[key] ~= key then n = n + 1; o[n] = key end end end
if maxnum and #o > maxnum then o[maxnum+1] = nil end
if opts.sortkeys and #o > maxn then alphanumsort(o, t, opts.sortkeys) end
for key in pairs(t) do
if o[key] ~= key then
n = n + 1
o[n] = key
if maxnum and #o > maxnum then
o[maxnum + 1] = nil
if opts.sortkeys and #o > maxn then
alphanumsort(o, t, opts.sortkeys)
local sparse = sparse and #o > maxn -- disable sparsness if only numeric keys (shorter output)
for n, key in ipairs(o) do
local value, ktype, plainindex = t[key], type(key), n <= maxn and not sparse
if opts.valignore and opts.valignore[value] -- skip ignored values; do nothing
opts.valignore and opts.valignore[value] -- skip ignored values; do nothing
or opts.keyallow and not opts.keyallow[key]
or opts.keyignore and opts.keyignore[key]
or opts.valtypeignore and opts.valtypeignore[type(value)] -- skipping ignored value types
or sparse and value == nil then -- skipping nils; do nothing
elseif ktype == 'table' or ktype == 'function' or badtype[ktype] then
or sparse and value == nil
then -- skipping nils; do nothing
elseif ktype == "table" or ktype == "function" or badtype[ktype] then
if not seen[key] and not globals[key] then
sref[#sref+1] = 'placeholder'
sref[#sref + 1] = "placeholder"
local sname = safename(iname, gensym(key)) -- iname is table for local variables
sref[#sref] = val2str(key,sname,indent,sname,iname,true) end
sref[#sref+1] = 'placeholder'
local path = seen[t]..'['..tostring(seen[key] or globals[key] or gensym(key))..']'
sref[#sref] = path..space..'='..space..tostring(seen[value] or val2str(value,nil,indent,path))
sref[#sref] = val2str(key, sname, indent, sname, iname, true)
sref[#sref + 1] = "placeholder"
local path = seen[t] .. "[" .. tostring(seen[key] or globals[key] or gensym(key)) .. "]"
sref[#sref] = path
.. space
.. "="
.. space
.. tostring(seen[value] or val2str(value, nil, indent, path))
out[#out + 1] = val2str(value, key, indent, nil, seen[t], plainindex, level + 1)
if maxlen then
maxlen = maxlen - #out[#out]
if maxlen < 0 then break end
if maxlen < 0 then
local prefix = string.rep(indent or '', level)
local head = indent and '{\n'..prefix..indent or '{'
local body = table.concat(out, ','..(indent and '\n'..prefix..indent or space))
local tail = indent and "\n"..prefix..'}' or '}'
local prefix = string.rep(indent or "", level)
local head = indent and "{\n" .. prefix .. indent or "{"
local body = table.concat(out, "," .. (indent and "\n" .. prefix .. indent or space))
local tail = indent and "\n" .. prefix .. "}" or "}"
return (custom and custom(tag, head, body, tail, level) or tag .. head .. body .. tail) .. comment(t, level)
elseif badtype[ttype] then
seen[t] = insref or spath
return tag .. globerr(t, level)
elseif ttype == 'function' then
elseif ttype == "function" then
seen[t] = insref or spath
if opts.nocode then return tag.."function() --[[..skipped..]] end"..comment(t, level) end
if opts.nocode then
return tag .. "function() --[[..skipped..]] end" .. comment(t, level)
local ok, res = pcall(string.dump, t)
local func = ok and "((loadstring or load)(" .. safestr(res) .. ",'@serialized'))" .. comment(t, level)
return tag .. (func or globerr(t, level))
else return tag..safestr(t) end -- handle all other types
return tag .. safestr(t)
end -- handle all other types
local sepr = indent and "\n" or ";" .. space
local body = val2str(t, name, indent) -- this call also populates sref
local tail = #sref>1 and table.concat(sref, sepr)..sepr or ''
local warn = opts.comment and #sref>1 and space.."--[[incomplete output with shared/self-references skipped]]" or ''
local tail = #sref > 1 and table.concat(sref, sepr) .. sepr or ""
local warn = opts.comment and #sref > 1 and space .. "--[[incomplete output with shared/self-references skipped]]"
or ""
return not name and body .. warn or "do local " .. body .. sepr .. tail .. "return " .. name .. sepr .. "end"
local function deserialize(data, opts)
local env = (opts and opts.safe == false) and G
or setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(t,k) return t end,
__call = function(t,...) error("cannot call functions") end
__index = function(t, k)
return t
__call = function(t, ...)
error("cannot call functions")
local f, res = (loadstring or load)('return '..data, nil, nil, env)
if not f then f, res = (loadstring or load)(data, nil, nil, env) end
if not f then return f, res end
if setfenv then setfenv(f, env) end
local f, res = (loadstring or load)("return " .. data, nil, nil, env)
if not f then
f, res = (loadstring or load)(data, nil, nil, env)
if not f then
return f, res
if setfenv then
setfenv(f, env)
return pcall(f)
local function merge(a, b) if b then for k,v in pairs(b) do a[k] = v end end; return a; end
return { _NAME = n, _COPYRIGHT = c, _DESCRIPTION = d, _VERSION = v, serialize = s,
local function merge(a, b)
if b then
for k, v in pairs(b) do
a[k] = v
return a
return {
_NAME = n,
serialize = s,
load = deserialize,
dump = function(a, opts) return s(a, merge({name = '_', compact = true, sparse = true}, opts)) end,
line = function(a, opts) return s(a, merge({sortkeys = true, comment = true}, opts)) end,
block = function(a, opts) return s(a, merge({indent = ' ', sortkeys = true, comment = true}, opts)) end }
dump = function(a, opts)
return s(a, merge({ name = "_", compact = true, sparse = true }, opts))
line = function(a, opts)
return s(a, merge({ sortkeys = true, comment = true }, opts))
block = function(a, opts)
return s(a, merge({ indent = " ", sortkeys = true, comment = true }, opts))

View file

@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ function struct.pack(format, ...)
for i = 1, format:len() do
local opt = format:sub(i, i)
if opt == '<' then
if opt == "<" then
endianness = true
elseif opt == '>' then
elseif opt == ">" then
endianness = false
elseif opt:find('[bBhHiIlL]') then
local n = opt:find('[hH]') and 2 or opt:find('[iI]') and 4 or opt:find('[lL]') and 8 or 1
elseif opt:find("[bBhHiIlL]") then
local n = opt:find("[hH]") and 2 or opt:find("[iI]") and 4 or opt:find("[lL]") and 8 or 1
local val = tonumber(table.remove(vars, 1))
local bytes = {}
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function struct.pack(format, ...)
table.insert(stream, table.concat(bytes))
elseif opt:find('[fd]') then
elseif opt:find("[fd]") then
local val = tonumber(table.remove(vars, 1))
local sign = 0
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ function struct.pack(format, ...)
mantissa = 0
exponent = 0
mantissa = (mantissa * 2 - 1) * math.ldexp(0.5, (opt == 'd') and 53 or 24)
exponent = exponent + ((opt == 'd') and 1022 or 126)
mantissa = (mantissa * 2 - 1) * math.ldexp(0.5, (opt == "d") and 53 or 24)
exponent = exponent + ((opt == "d") and 1022 or 126)
local bytes = {}
if opt == 'd' then
if opt == "d" then
val = mantissa
for _ = 1, 6 do
table.insert(bytes, string.char(math.floor(val) % (2 ^ 8)))
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ function struct.pack(format, ...)
val = math.floor(val / (2 ^ 8))
table.insert(bytes, string.char(math.floor(exponent * ((opt == 'd') and 16 or 128) + val) % (2 ^ 8)))
val = math.floor((exponent * ((opt == 'd') and 16 or 128) + val) / (2 ^ 8))
table.insert(bytes, string.char(math.floor(exponent * ((opt == "d") and 16 or 128) + val) % (2 ^ 8)))
val = math.floor((exponent * ((opt == "d") and 16 or 128) + val) / (2 ^ 8))
table.insert(bytes, string.char(math.floor(sign * 128 + val) % (2 ^ 8)))
if not endianness then
@ -68,18 +68,18 @@ function struct.pack(format, ...)
table.insert(stream, table.concat(bytes))
elseif opt == 's' then
elseif opt == "s" then
table.insert(stream, tostring(table.remove(vars, 1)))
table.insert(stream, string.char(0))
elseif opt == 'c' then
local n = format:sub(i + 1):match('%d+')
elseif opt == "c" then
local n = format:sub(i + 1):match("%d+")
local str = tostring(table.remove(vars, 1))
local len = tonumber(n)
if len <= 0 then
len = str:len()
if len - str:len() > 0 then
str = str .. string.rep(' ', len - str:len())
str = str .. string.rep(" ", len - str:len())
table.insert(stream, str:sub(1, len))
@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ function struct.unpack(format, stream, pos)
for i = 1, format:len() do
local opt = format:sub(i, i)
if opt == '<' then
if opt == "<" then
endianness = true
elseif opt == '>' then
elseif opt == ">" then
endianness = false
elseif opt:find('[bBhHiIlL]') then
local n = opt:find('[hH]') and 2 or opt:find('[iI]') and 4 or opt:find('[lL]') and 8 or 1
elseif opt:find("[bBhHiIlL]") then
local n = opt:find("[hH]") and 2 or opt:find("[iI]") and 4 or opt:find("[lL]") and 8 or 1
local signed = opt:lower() == opt
local val = 0
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ function struct.unpack(format, stream, pos)
table.insert(vars, math.floor(val))
elseif opt:find('[fd]') then
local n = (opt == 'd') and 8 or 4
elseif opt:find("[fd]") then
local n = (opt == "d") and 8 or 4
local x = stream:sub(iterator, iterator + n - 1)
iterator = iterator + n
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function struct.unpack(format, stream, pos)
local sign = 1
local mantissa = string.byte(x, (opt == 'd') and 7 or 3) % ((opt == 'd') and 16 or 128)
local mantissa = string.byte(x, (opt == "d") and 7 or 3) % ((opt == "d") and 16 or 128)
for j = n - 2, 1, -1 do
mantissa = mantissa * (2 ^ 8) + string.byte(x, j)
@ -139,19 +139,18 @@ function struct.unpack(format, stream, pos)
sign = -1
local exponent = (string.byte(x, n) % 128) * ((opt == 'd') and 16 or 2) +
math.floor(string.byte(x, n - 1) /
((opt == 'd') and 16 or 128))
local exponent = (string.byte(x, n) % 128) * ((opt == "d") and 16 or 2)
+ math.floor(string.byte(x, n - 1) / ((opt == "d") and 16 or 128))
if exponent == 0 then
table.insert(vars, 0.0)
mantissa = (math.ldexp(mantissa, (opt == 'd') and -52 or -23) + 1) * sign
table.insert(vars, math.ldexp(mantissa, exponent - ((opt == 'd') and 1023 or 127)))
mantissa = (math.ldexp(mantissa, (opt == "d") and -52 or -23) + 1) * sign
table.insert(vars, math.ldexp(mantissa, exponent - ((opt == "d") and 1023 or 127)))
elseif opt == 's' then
elseif opt == "s" then
local bytes = {}
for j = iterator, stream:len() do
if stream:sub(j,j) == string.char(0) or stream:sub(j) == '' then
if stream:sub(j, j) == string.char(0) or stream:sub(j) == "" then
@ -161,8 +160,8 @@ function struct.unpack(format, stream, pos)
local str = table.concat(bytes)
iterator = iterator + str:len() + 1
table.insert(vars, str)
elseif opt == 'c' then
local n = format:sub(i + 1):match('%d+')
elseif opt == "c" then
local n = format:sub(i + 1):match("%d+")
local len = tonumber(n)
if len <= 0 then
len = table.remove(vars)

View file

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ function Discord:read_message(nonce, on_response, err, chunk)
local err_message = string.format(err_format, err)
elseif chunk then
-- Strip header from the chunk
local message = chunk:match("({.+)")
@ -171,9 +170,7 @@ function Discord.generate_uuid(seed)
index = index + 1
math.randomseed((seed or os.clock()) / index)
local n = char == "x"
and math.random(0, 0xf)
or math.random(8, 0xb)
local n = char == "x" and math.random(0, 0xf) or math.random(8, 0xb)
return string.format("%x", n)

View file

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ return {
["[defx] default-"] = "Defx",
["netrw"] = "Netrw",
["TelescopePrompt"] = "Telescope",
['neo-tree'] = 'Neotree',
['fern'] = 'Fern'
["neo-tree"] = "Neotree",
["fern"] = "Fern",

View file

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function Presence:setup(...)
-- General options
self:set_option("auto_update", 1)
self:set_option("client_id", "793271441293967371")
self:set_option("client_id", "1172122807501594644")
self:set_option("debounce_timeout", 10)
self:set_option("neovim_image_text", "The One True Text Editor")
self:set_option("main_image", "neovim")
@ -848,8 +848,9 @@ function Presence:update_for_buffer(buffer, should_debounce)
local use_file_as_main_image = self.options.main_image == "file"
local use_neovim_as_main_image = self.options.main_image == "neovim"
local assets = {
large_image = use_file_as_main_image and asset_key or use_neovim_as_main_image
and "neovim" or self.options.main_image,
large_image = use_file_as_main_image and asset_key
or use_neovim_as_main_image and "neovim"
or self.options.main_image,
large_text = use_file_as_main_image and file_text or neovim_image_text,
small_image = use_file_as_main_image and "neovim" or asset_key,
small_text = use_file_as_main_image and neovim_image_text or file_text,