# zsh-nix

A [`home-manager`]() flake containing my [`zsh`]() config.

## Usage

  # Add this flake to your inputs
  inputs = {
    zsh-config.url = "/home/jirka/Projects/zsh-nix/";
  outputs = {
    zsh-config, # Don't forget to import it
# Then add it to your homeConfigurations
    homeConfigurations = {
      "user@hostname" = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
        pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux; # Home-manager requires 'pkgs' instance
        extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs outputs;};
        modules = [

# ZSH Configuration Flake

This flake provides a ZSH configuration with various plugins,
syntax highlighting, enhanced file handling, etc.

## Overview

### Notable plugins

- **`zsh-autosuggestions`**: Provides suggestions as you type based on your command history.
- **`zsh-you-should-use`**: Reminds you to use aliases for commands you frequently type.
  It helps you streamline your workflow.
- **`ssh-connect`**: A utility for managing SSH connections and quickly switching between them.
- **`enhancd`**: Improves directory navigation with fuzzy search, similar to `zsh-z`.
- **`zsh-completions`**: Adds missing completions for various tools.
- **`powerlevel10k`**: A highly customizable ZSH theme that gives you a clean
  and modern look with useful information in your prompt.
- **`git` plugin**: Provides consistent, intuitive aliases
and extra functions for common Git commands, improving workflow efficiency.

### Packages

This flake includes some useful packages:

- **`nix-zsh-completions`**: ZSH completions for Nix, NixOS, and NixOps.
- **`asciinema`**: Terminal recording tool.
  - **`libnotify`**: Provides notifications for terminal events.
  - **`websocat`**: Used for streaming asciinema recordings in v2 format.
- **`tldr`**: Community-driven simplified man pages for faster reference.
- **`lsd`**: A next-generation `ls` command with improved features.
- **`bat`**: A `cat` clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
- **`eza`**: A modern, maintained replacement for `ls`.
- **`trash-cli`**: Command line interface to the Freedesktop.org trashcan.

### Other

- **`ex`**: A shell function to extract various archive formats.
  - Supported formats include `.tar.bz2`, `.zip`, `.rar`, `.gz`, and more.