Jiří Štefka jiriks74
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 09:14:42 +02:00
9706834ddb fix(style/format): formated the code
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 09:10:54 +02:00
cb397b7f92 feat(luacheck): add .luacheckrc
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:57:39 +02:00
936f405764 fix(cicd): manually setup actions as GH actions don't work on this image (#2)
jiriks74 merged pull request jiriks74/astronvim_config#2 2023-10-04 08:57:37 +02:00
fix(cicd): manually setup actions as GH actions don't work on this image
jiriks74 created pull request jiriks74/astronvim_config#2 2023-10-04 08:56:28 +02:00
fix(cicd): manually setup actions as GH actions don't work on this image
jiriks74 pushed to cicd at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:55:08 +02:00
0171ced17c fix(cicd-stylua): provide project path to stylua
jiriks74 pushed to cicd at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:53:37 +02:00
592fac89ea fix(cicd-stylua): move to npx
jiriks74 pushed to cicd at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:51:59 +02:00
a2b08f49bb fix(cicd-luacheck): identation missing
jiriks74 pushed to cicd at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:46:58 +02:00
a39b81f4b9 fix(cicd): move back to ubuntu-latest as full ubuntu is not needed
634b1c2964 fix(cicd-luacheck): missing :
Compare 2 commits »
jiriks74 created branch cicd in jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:43:49 +02:00
jiriks74 pushed to cicd at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:43:49 +02:00
e916c47d3e fix(cicd): manually setup StyLua and Luacheck as GH Actions don't work
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:37:00 +02:00
458af12abf fix(ci/cd): Move to full ubuntu image
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:32:06 +02:00
7f352b9733 fix(ci/cd): rename .github to .gitea
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-10-04 08:30:53 +02:00
c02b4ee543 feat(ci/cd): add luacheck and stylua
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-09-30 02:23:27 +02:00
96ff1d7933 fix(editorconfig): remove editorconfig as it's integrated in NeoVim now
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-09-26 17:09:26 +02:00
8113956657 fix(presence.nvim): move to my patched version to make flatpak work
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-09-25 22:58:08 +02:00
de11ec20e1 feat(JupyterNotebooks): add jupynium
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/astronvim_config 2023-09-22 21:54:54 +02:00
fb861daa38 feat(copilot)!: move from copilot.vim to copilot.lua and copilot-cmp
jiriks74 pushed tag v27.1.1 to jiriks74/docker-nextcloud-extended 2023-09-22 17:25:29 +02:00
jiriks74 pushed to main at jiriks74/docker-nextcloud-extended 2023-09-22 17:24:00 +02:00
336070608b feat(Dockerfile): version bump